8years later

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"Don't ever cheat on me again okay!!" I said.. "Okay!!" Chase said and kissed my cheek..

8years later

Me and Chase have been dating for 5 years I'm in college he's in college too.

We are in different ones but our colleges are like 1-2 miles away.

It's Christmas time and we have it off for the holidays.

I have a car I drive to Chase and we go to his family's house. My birthday was just two weeks before Christmas, so when I got into the house I went up to my room that I stayed in 7 years ago. Then I got a text.

Hey Aaleiah it's Isaiah how are you!! And Happy belated birthday how old are you now!!

Oh hey Isaiah I'm good. And thank you. Im 22 now!!

We talk for like an hour than Chase came upstairs and told me to come down stairs with him, I did.

"Surprise!!" They all say Isaiah, Payton, and Evan were all here and ALL of Chase's family was here too.

I was so surprised. I made small talk with everybody.

"Hey everybody!! Guess what!" I say.

"What?" They say.

"Im graduating college in January!! And your all invited!!" I gave them all tickets to get in to my graduation.

Christmas past, and now its January!! Tomorrow is my graduation.

I go to all my classes. Out of half the class only 90% of us are graduating!!

Its the next day I'm so nervous.

I put on a flower dress and than my graduation robe and than my hat.

I was waiting to be called. My friend got called up.

My hands started to get Sweaty.

"Aaleiah Roberts!! Her overall average is a 99% in all her classes!! She passed all of 'em!! Congratulations Aaleiah!!" I walked up and shook all the professors hands.

I Walked off the stage and walked out into the hall and took deep breaths..

Everyone got called up and it was time for partying WOOP WOOP!!

I drank one drink. I had an AWSOME time.

I went to my house. It was 12:00am everyone was sleeping. My mom and grandma and siblings didn't know I graduated from college. I went to my friends house down the street from my house.

It was the morning and my brother and little sister had school so I drove into the grass next to my uncle's car I slowly got out of the car and waited till 5:59 til my brother and little sister got out of the house.

They were in high school. They came out I snuck up behind them and scared them.

They started to tear up and hugged me.

"Hey guys guess what!!!" I says

"What?" They say. I showed them and they jumped up and down.

"You graduated from college so now your going to be a surgeon Aaleiah!!" My brother said.

"Yup isn't that amazing!!"

"Its so amazing Aaleiah!!" My sister Elizabeth said.

"You guys have gotten so big on me already..." I say.

"Yeah, well are bus is coming we gotta go love ya!"

"Love ya too guys!! See you when u get home from school!!" I hug them and they get on the bus.

A/N: Hey guys this book is almost finished. Love y'all ❤💝💜💛💚💙💕YOU DIRTY CHICKEN NUGGETS!!❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝

EDITED: 1-27-2022

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