4 months later

19 4 2

The nursery is ^ up there!!

It's wedding day!! I'm so excited!

"Hey Aaleiah you should get your dress on!" I hear Diamond say.

"Okay!!" I put It on.

She then snaps a quick picture.

"Omg Aaleiah you look like a princess!!" My brides maids say

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"Omg Aaleiah you look like a princess!!" My brides maids say.

"Thank you!" I almost start to cry.

"Don't cry you'll ruin your make up!!" I don't cry.

"So Aaleiah how are the babies?" Ayla says.

"They are amazing they are here today!!" I say.

"OMG they are!!" My other friend says.

"Yes you'll see them when you walk out!" I hear the door open and its my brother and little sister.

"Oh my gosh Aaleiah!!" My brother says and runs over to me.

"Woah hey guys!!" I say as Lizzy runs over to me too.

"Hey, you look so beautiful!!" They both say.

"Thank you guys!! Go back out there with the brides maids!!" They all go out and they all walk down the aisle my uncle comes and gets me.

"You ready my niece!" He says.

Deep breaths you got this. I think to myself.

"Of course I'm ready!!" We walk down everyone is standing. I make it up to my husband to be. I give my uncle a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby!" Chase says.

"Hey!" I say and smile.

"Hey!" I say and smile

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The Vows

"Ok I'm really nervous..Okay Chase.. Ive Been in love with you since the first day I saw you in 6th grade. Now I'm 23 and you are 22 and we have two beautiful children.. They are only 4 months old.. But all I gotta say is, I love you and I can't wait to grow are family!!I love you baby!!" Everyone claps.

"Wow it's gonna be hard to top that!" Every one laughs.

"Okay..Aaleiah I'm so in love with you.. Aaleiah please don't ever take it lightly whenever I tell you that I love you, because I know that, one day, it might seem like a routine. I know there might be days when u don't wanna hear it. And you might have your moments when you even refuse to believe it. But trust me when I say that, the heaviness in my heart, from when I say those words to you is an indication that loving you will never be something I take lightly." He says.

(AN: I got those ones online)

I was crying and most of the people in the crowd were crying too.

"Chase do you take Aaleiah to be your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I DO!!" He says and smiles.

"And do you Aaleiah take Chase to be your lawful Husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION!! I DO!!" Everyone starts to clap and cheer!

A/N:Hey guys I'm working on my next part for My cuts and I'm getting my cast off today at 10:45am!!!Love yall you DIRTY CHICKEN NUGGETS💖💝💜💛💚💙💜💛💚💙 Shout out to
Last but not least

EDITED: 1-27-2022

(REWRITING) The Boy ✔Where stories live. Discover now