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"This is your new home. This is where you live. This is where you sleep."

The Quartermaster can barely make it through the door of the place he brings us. His gunmen are not far behind, but I notice now they don't have the automatic weapons. The have regular guns.

We are taken to a place. It's a loft. It's not nice. There is a strange smell in the place. It's run down a little bit as though this place has been abandoned not too long ago or something. I swear I see a rat run across the floor which causes Vanity to jump back and scream a little bit. We had just found out we were supposedly the most dangerous killers in the world who died and were brought back but I didn't get that from Vanity. She just seemed so damn jumpy, but then again she was the first one to survive our little test.

"It's cold," Vanity complains.

She walks inside. For the first time I'm getting a real good look at Vanity. She has a short haircut almost like a pixie cut. Her eyes are somewhat slanted making me think she is Asian, but not fully. She must be Asian and white or something. She has an innocence about her. One that I can't put my finger on but when she looks at you at certain points you can see something else underneath it all. A hidden mystique.

I examine her as she walks in and shivers. She has a point. It is kind of cold. A draft folds through the window and from that window I can see we are in the downtown of a city. I'm not sure what city it is but I definitely know we are in a city. We are in a cold city at that.

I go to the window. I look out on the city. There were people there. Actual people.

"Chicago," Apathy states.

"What?" I ask him.

"That's the city we are in. Chicago. Look down there. You can see the signs..."

He points. Sure enough, there is a sign that says Chicago deli lit up on one of the nearby buildings. For some reason, I know things about Chicago. I don't know how especially when I couldn't even remember my own name but I knew that Chicago was cold. I knew that it was windy. I knew that it was in Illinois. Why here? Why did they choose to bring us here of all places?

"It's not the most comfortable place in the world," the Quartermaster states, "But it's discreet. You're ghosts now. There are enough beds for all of you. You can choose your own rooms. Clothing, food and basic necessities will be delivered a little later."

"What is this some sort of prison?" Malevolence asks the Quartermaster.

The Quartermaster looks at her like she has three heads.

"What makes you think that?"

"What's to stop us from just walking out of the door?"

"You're free to go, but you must return before 10 pm," the Quartermaster states.

"What happens if we don't return?" Malevolence asks.

I can see the look in her eyes. Her eyes look at me and I look back at her. I can see the look in her eyes as her eyes dart towards the two gunmen that are with the Quartermaster. If she could do what she did before and take one of the gunmen out then I may be able to take the other one out. I was tired. I was exhausted but maybe this could be our one shot to escape.

I take a step forward but it's Apathy who grabs my arm. He shakes my head.

I don't understand why he's trying to stop me. Malevolence is taking short steps towards the guards. She is trying to think of a way out of here. I think we all are. It is so strange. They weren't keeping us locked up in cages. They weren't keeping us detained. The Quartermaster was literally looking to keep us as his current day slaves but somehow he was attempting to do this without keeping us in chains.

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