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"You're joking,"

"I'm serious. Wrath is here. He's in the shower..."

The others have come back to the apartment. There is this feeling of dread in the air. It's pure fucking dread. I still can't believe it myself. Quix and I are staring at each other wondering if we were dreaming but we can hear the water. Vanity, Malevolence, and Apathy are whispering down the hallway.

"He's going to fucking kill all of us for leaving him," Apathy whispers.

"He's not going to kill anyone," Quix states.

"Easy for you to say. He likes you," Malevolence responds.

I don't know what it is about Wrath, but there was this look in his eyes. It's this look that turned everyone off. A slight twitch. He was the kind of guy you didn't want to be around without your guard up. Right now everyone had their guards up.

The voices of the others go back and forth. All of them wondering how it was that Wrath survived and why the Quartermaster broke his own rules to let Wrath stay alive even though he never made it to the lobby. I remember seeing the Quartermaster's eyes when he spoke about Wrath. There was this excitement. This excitement that he didn't seem to have with the rest of us. I just knew there was something about Wrath.

Something that made him special.

Something that made him dangerous.

"I can hear you guys," a voice states.

It's him. Wrath. He steps out the shower. He's dripping wet. He's completely naked. Looking at his body I have to admit he's as sexy as he is intimidating. The girls get uncomfortable. Vanity is hugging herself and Malevolence looks like she's trying her best to avoid looking at the long dong between his legs. The boys look somewhat intimidated. They had every reason to be. Wrath was a man's man. If looks meant anything than he was a threat to all of us.

I was somewhere in between the middle of what the girls were feeling and what the guys were feeling.

No one responds to him. It's completely silent.

"You're naked," Quix states out of nowhere.

"I noticed. It's not like we haven't seen each other naked, now have we?" he asks.

"He has a point," Apathy whispers.

Everyone is quiet. It's so quiet. It's so awkward. There was a feeling of ease since we got into this apartment. Sure, we were slaves to the Quartermaster but we had survived something devastating. We had come out together. And we'd discovered our bodies were capable of unspeakable things. Even Quix and Mal had stopped arguing for some time. We were bonded by blood. Bonded by violence. Things changed.

"You guys going to show me my room or what?" he asks.

His room. His room. My heart skips a beat at that moment. All of a sudden I realize there is only one bed left.

"I was actually going to switch my room and move with D," Quix starts out of no where.

We exchange glances.

"Wait you're going to leave me?" Apathy asks.

I can see the look in Apathy's eyes. He's terrified. I know what Quix is trying to do. He's trying to look out for me. He's trying to make sure that I'm not the one who got the room with the fucking asshole who abandoned a bunch of us back in the building. But when I look at Apathy's eyes, I know I can't do it. I can't let Quix switch rooms.

"No one's switching," I announce, "I'll show you the room."


You ever feel like someone's watching you. Not a normal watch either. The stare of a predator. He's a lion staring at me and I'm his prey. He follows me into the room. I know he is following me because I can hear him. Not his footsteps. He has no footsteps. They literally don't exist. It's beyond creepy. What does exist though is his breathing?

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