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"My brother?" I ask.

"You really don't recognize me?" he asks.


"Urge...the Assembly, Pleasantville, none of that shit rings a bell?"

"Urge..." I state.

The name is so warm on my tongue. So warm. All of a sudden I feel a symphony of emotions. They cloud my mind. I'm not thinking straight all of a sudden. It's almost as though he's hit me with some strong of drug that I've never experienced before and I'm just feeling the shock of it all. I see a flash of this guy in my head. This handsome guy. I see a flash of the most handsome guy I've ever met in my life. He has the prettiest eyes and has this serious face. He's looking at me and I'm looking at him.


Why does that mean something to me?

No. Not just something.

Why does that mean EVERYTHING to me?

"What does that mean? What does Urge mean?" I ask him.

I'm desperate. After all the things he's said the word just means the most to me. Urge.

"Shit they must have erased your memories," the guy who calls himself Denny states shaking his head, "I need you to look at my face real hard Desire. You know who I am. Look at me."

I look at him again. Nothing is clicking. Nothing at all. It doesn't make sense why he's doing this. It doesn't make sense why he's here talking to me like this.

I hear fighting back in the corridor. It's only a matter of time before the others came in here.

"You know who I am?" I ask, "Do you know why I was sent here?"

"Clearly to kill us," Denny states.

"Whose us? Who do you work for?" I ask, "Better yet...who do I work?"

Denny looks down the hall, "Do we have time for this?"

I look at the stranger with who is acting like he knows me. He has a real point. Depending on who came in this room I might have been able to talk them out of killing this guy but what if it was Wrath? I had no doubt that Wrath would kill him and then probably kill me right after. It wouldn't be the first time tonight that he attempted to kill me.

"I need answers."

"I want to give them to you," he explains to me, "But not here. Not now. We're not safe."

I look around the room, "Hide in one of the cabinets. I'll tell them it's clear in here."

I turn and start back towards the door.



"Grant Street Coffee House. 9pm tomorrow. I'll tell you everything I know and we'll work on getting you out of this."

"You can do that?"

"I've seen the collar before. I know the technology. I can't guarantee anything but..."

Anything was good enough. Any hope was good enough here. I was desperate. I was so desperate to get out of this situation that there was no way in hell I could let Denny die.

I look back over at the guy, "Go in the cabinets."

A few seconds pass and when the door opens I see none other than Wrath standing behind the door. My heart beats hard as we meet in the threshold.

"Were you just talking to someone?" he asks.


Our eyes stir at each other. I look down at my belt. I still had a gun but I didn't have a knife. I wasn't good with this gun. I'd seen how Wrath disabled people with that sword of his. I look down at his sword. It's dripping with blood. Somehow he's gotten some of that blood in his sandy hair. Our eyes connect. He's noticing me staring at him.

Assassin's Quarter 4 MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now