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It was at that moment, in the midst of the most traitorous revelation ever that I finally see the rawest emotion ever from Urge. Quix had just told him that I had sex with his brother Wrath. Urge and I were not boyfriends anymore. He was my husband. Things had changed between us and now, without our collars, we remembered who we were to each other and what we meant to one another.

I'd never seen someone's face sour so much. I knew Urge.

At that moment there was silence.

And there were all these signs. The negative emotions seem to be hitting Urge as if Quix had taken a knife and shoved it straight into his stomach. First, there is the rubbing of his face and the rubbing of his neck, then there are the tense muscles that make his movement seem so restricted. His shoulders move up tensely. Last is the fast breathing that follows all of this to the point that it's the only thing we can hear in the room.

And my mouth is dry...so fucking dry but I whisper out desperately, "Urge..."

He doesn't listen to me.

"I gotta go."

With that, he just walks out. He's still in his hospital gowns. He doesn't seem to give a damn. He just walks out at that moment and a part of me just wishes Quix had come to fight Urge instead. Physical pain, Urge could deal with, but the emotional stuff is something that he'd never really learned to conquer.

When he leaves I can almost hear Quix coming up to me while I'm in my wheelchair.

"Your friends are probably all dead by now. We raided this place in droves," he states, "Come back with me. Come back to me and your mother. It's where you belong."

Quix opens his mouth but the tone of Willful Ignorance comes out. It's that tone of caring that is at the top that has that underlying crackle of deceit and manipulation. I'd never really noticed it when I grew up with my mother. I wasn't her only victim. My mother was a famous TV chef. Millions of people around the world were fooled by her Martha Stewart perfection and her knack for being America's mother.

It's at that moment I realized that maybe she had gotten to Quix. Either that or Quix was showing his own true colors. He was remembering that predator he was before his collar was taken off.

"Get away from me."

"He left you. It's over..."

It wasn't over. I wouldn't let it be.

I roll away from Quix and he lets me, but I can hear this laugh behind him. He's so confident that he had done so much damage. He does it in the evilest way I could ever imagine and I hate him at that moment. He's so sure that his mission was completed.

I roll down the hallway and find Urge walking away towards the staircase.

"Urge wait!" I scream.

Urge doesn't stop. The damn chair isn't fast enough! There was this real hurt with Urge. It was a hurt, unlike anything I'd ever seen before. I have a feeling that if Urge leaves I'd never see him again.

He doesn't stop! He's not stopping!

I have no choice!

"Urge please!" I scream again.

This time I do something dramatic. This time I do something that I don't think I could do. I try to get up off the wheelchair. My knees buckle almost immediately and I go crashing down to the floor hard. I bust my lip on the floor. Almost immediately, Urge stops right at the entrance of the staircase after hearing the loud thud.

it works.

Knowing that I hurt myself still works for him. He turns at that moment with this look of interest in his eyes. I also notice something else. There are tears in his eyes. Real fucking tears! It's one of those rare moments that Urge is showing emotion and if I had not tried to get up he wouldn't have shown it.

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