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JANUARY — "THE LAB" — 12:03 PM

T2832 was getting out. It'd been more than half a year and she was already going to be released soon. All her attempts at being strong and resistant were useless. The best strategy was clearly to blindly follow and comply, as horrible as it sounded.

Normally, people would be destroyed after killing someone. They'd think about how they had families who cared for them, and had ideas for what they wanted to do in the future. How they were only around sixteen, and how they had such hope for getting out. But she didn't care. There was no use crying over something she'd just have to do over and over in the very near future.

T2798 seemed just as fragile as ever, though. The fact that she didn't kill her straight away showed she wasn't prepared to. She was stalling.

T2832 looked at her body while laying on the hospital bed as she healed herself. It was incredibly pale, having not seen the sun in too long, and now had scars littered all over, some longer than others. Her arm had a fading red mark where the whip had dug into it, and she could only guess her neck looked the same way. But other than that, T2798 hadn't hurt her that much. It was an unfair fight, because T2832 was clearly more advanced than her.

They just wanted to see if she could murder someone without hesitation. She guessed they now had their answer.

Finally, her time for recovery had finished. The red lines had been blended almost completely into her skin, and she only felt a slight pain when I touched it.

She sat up, and jumped off the bed. As she had guessed, Leonard stood proudly at the doorway. She stood straight and saluted, something she had learned the hard way to do every time she saw him. Yet, didn't she learn everything the hard way?

"Stand down, T2832," he said, with his usual grin. He came up to her, hands clasped behind his back, then laid a hand on her shoulder, his touch sending an unpleasant feeling slithering through her arm, as well as an automatic want to pulled it off.

"I'm proud of you," he said. "I had a feeling you'd win. You've come so far in the last few months, and I know you'll do great things."

In a twisted way, she was as well. Sure, it was practically brainwashing and torture everyday for months on end but it made her into the kind of person she was; able to kill and skilled in so many types of ways. The old her wouldn't stand a chance against the new her, and neither would a lot of people.

"As am I, sir."

He beamed. "Your next fight will be against one of our graduated trainees. If you win against them, you'll take their place."

He wanted her to kill. Again. Tomorrow. The news didn't stun or frighten her, and if anything, she felt the smallest tingle of excitement.

"So prepare yourself," he patted her shoulder a couple times. "I believe you showed everyone what we expect of them."

T2832 nodded, and he let her be escorted back to her room. As they passed Joey's and Casper's, they looked at her with a mix of emotions. She pretended she didn't see them.

She was given more an earlier rest time because of her win, and since she'd need her energy for the fight the next day. So, she got her dinner earlier as well, then collapsed on the bed, exhausted.


T2832 felt someone shake her awake. Her immediate response was to jump up from her bed and stand straight, ready for command from her superior. Had she overslept?

But instead, she saw Joey, Casper, and Casper's ball of fire in front of her. They looked at her in surprise, and wariness. "Morg—" Casper quietly began, but she cut him off.

"You're lucky I didn't tell them about your late night escapades. You'd be in so much crap."

Casper's eyes traveled to the many new scars around her arms and legs. Since she was more advanced, she had gotten a new suit. It was a white with random grey lines, tight-fitting, long sleeved crop top. The bottom were high wasted, also tight, pants with the same design. Her brown hair had grown to armpit length, and was tied up in a ponytail. "What happened to you, Morgan?"

"That's not my name," she snapped.

"Then what is your name," Joey asked sarcastically, and she was transported to all those times back in the Isolation rooms. The questions, the shocks... She could already practically feel the leather straps.

"I have no name," she replied instantly, the sentence carved into her memory.

Joey took a step back, her robotic response clearly shocking him, as well as Casper.

"Now leave," she ordered, sitting back onto her bed. "I'm leaving in two days at best."

Joey's eyes widened. "You're leaving in two days?"

"If I beat a graduate," she replied. "Which, trust me, I will."

"That's impossible."

"Well," T2832 glared at him. "Just because you've been here for two years doesn't mean we all have to."

His face got red and twisted in anger. Casper put a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. "That's low," Casper said.

"It's the truth."

"You've turned into an asshole," Joey spat.

She stood in front of him, having to look up a bit, since he was taller than her. "At least I've not always been one," she retorted. "And if becoming that gets me out of here, I'll make the sacrifice."

"So that's it?" He said, as she turned away. "You're just going to be an asshole. And a murderer. And an assassin. And some little obedient pet to the almighty Leonard?"

"Damn right," she snapped, her hand curling around the fabric of his suit threateningly. "I'm being smart."

"You're being selfish and way too impulsive."

"I'm thinking about my future!" She exclaimed, throwing him back.

"Where you die out in the field so young?"

"Better than in some gas filled shower stall!" She yelled back. "And you know what? I like killing. I loved the feeling when I killed T2798. So be pissed off all you want, that won't change the fact that I'm leaving." She sent a look towards both of them, neither of which showed love. "And I'm leaving both of you behind. I hope you die a slow and painful death."

Casper had tears in his eyes. He was her age, yet he was so fragile and acted twelve. That would be his downfall, and if he didn't clean up his act sooner, he never get out. His fireball began to dim.

T2832 had never seen Joey give such a look of detestation, aside from when he talked about Leonard, but she didn't regret her words. "Fine. Leave. You belong with all those brainwashed puppies anyway." Then, he grabbed Casper's hand and disappeared in a swirl of orange.

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