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"So, we all know the plan?" Morgan said, the three of standing in a circle in their hotel room, each carrying their backpacks containing the things they needed.

"We've gone over it near a hundred times, so I'd say we know it," Pepper said, dryly.

The two girls went and put a hand on Joey's shoulder. "I can't believe this is really happening," Joey said, taking a deep breath.

"Whatever happens, we've already made history," Morgan replied. "We fight to the end, whatever the end might be."

Pepper grinned, then Joey's dust teleported them out of the room. For a moment, all Morgan could see was orange, before it cleared and they stood inside one of the training rooms. They had remembered the schedule, and currently, the supernaturals were eating breakfast. The rooms were completely empty, and since they didn't have any power preventions, they were able to teleport in.

"So far so good," Morgan whispered. "Now we've got to make our way to the tech room."

Although Morgan and Joey had never seen it, Pepper had gained access to a blueprint of the entire camp by some magical way. She lead them through the halls, being careful around each corner and straining their ears to listen for any footsteps. Luckily, they made it to a door that was at the end of a long hallway, guarded by two armed men.

Morgan turned the corner to be seen, and before they could register her appearance, she had snapped their necks, and they fell to the ground lifelessly.

"Geez, I didn't realize you were going to kill them," Pepper muttered.

"They taught me to kill," she responded as they walked down the hall and stepped over the bodies. "About time they get a taste of their own medicine." She looked through the pockets of the guards and found a key, then unlocked the door. They walked inside, and found a few people inside working at computers. Morgan knocked them out easily with her telekinesis by hitting their heads against their desks, and then she floated them over to a small room inside the computer room and locked the door.

"That should hold them," she said.

The first set of business was Pepper getting into their system, which was pretty easy as the computers had just been used. The second was taking down the shield over the camp that prevented Joey and Morgan from using their powers. While it was in fact Siphon's powers, the technology had control over whether it was on or off.

"We're good to go then?" Morgan asked.

"Almost," Pepper said, pulling two small earpiece from her pocket. "Put these in your ears. Glider tech from Rylie's superhero days. We'll be able to hear and talk to each other."

"Great," Morgan said, doing as told. "Now, pull the alarm. We need all the kids in their rooms, safe and away from the guards."

"Aye, aye, captain," Pepper murmured as she tapped away at her keyboard. Joey and Morgan left the room, locking the door.

As they walked down the hall, waiting for the blaring alarm to ring out, Morgan put her now longer brown hair into a high ponytail, poker face already set in. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"A little shaky, but I'm good enough," he answered, then looked at her. "You?"

"Mostly pissed," she replied, casually. "But I've been waiting for this for months. I'm beyond ready."

Then, the power shut off for one second, before flickering on with a red filter, a siren ringing out. "There it is," she said, smiling, as she pulled all the weapons out of her bag and attached them to her clothing for easy access. They arrived near the long hallway with the doors to each room, and waited, hidden.

Not long after, they heard running and shouted orders as the trainees did as told and ran into their rooms, which locked behind them.

"I want every part of the building searched," one of the guards commanded to the others. "No room is left without being cleared of whatever threat we have. Find the source of the reason of the alarm and kill them."

Morgan took this as her cue and turned the corner, making herself seen. "I'm right here."

Immediately, they pointed their guns at her, and narrowed their eyes as they recognized her. "2832," one spat, "we should have known."

"Well, that's your fault," she accused, then they fired at her. Immediately, she held up her hand and the bullets all stopped inches away from her face. A second later, all the bullets inside their guns fell out and clattered to the ground. Without waiting a second, they ran towards her.

Joey took on half of them, teleporting around them and hitting them from behind. It was an effective strategy, similar to what speedsters would use.

Meanwhile, Morgan gave her powers a small break and relied on pure combat. It was exhausting, as she was taking on many people at once. She'd use her powers to temporarily shove back some of them so she wouldn't get swarmed, as she was using most of her energy on fighting.

She delivered a killer roundhouse kick that sent one down for the count. She turned around and dodged a fist, then sent her one, and whipped back around to face another opponent. Realizing she truly couldn't do this forever, she mustered up her strength and focused on all of them and slammed their bodies on the ceiling, yelling through her body screaming her to stop, then dropped them back down. She knew the impact was enough to kill, and took a breather.

"Why didn't you just do that in the beginning?" He asked, breathlessly.

She glared at him. "Where are the other guards?" She ignored him, and posed the question at Pepper through her earpiece.

"I've got some in the east wing, and quite a few just roaming the hall," she answered. "You're bound to run into them if you wander."

"Great," Morgan said. "We can let the supernaturals out of their rooms and see who wants to fight. Joey, you can organize the teleporters and find a healer." He hesitated, but nodded. "Take the ones who can't fight to the exit with a couple of fighters and we'll meet you out there."

He agreed, and Morgan once again spoke to the earpiece. "Pepper, let them out. And lock every door that leads to this hall."

"On it."

A few seconds later, the doors all opened at the same time with a puff of air. "Come on out, you're safe now," Morgan called over the alarm that had quieted since its beginning blaring rings. Tentatively, kids ranging from five to their ages stepped out, obviously scared and unsure if they could really trust their rescuers. The soft red glow offered a fair amount of light, but other that, they had nothing to light up the hall.

"My name is Morgan Carter," she said, still making sure her voice was loud and was still carrying to all their ears. "This is Joey Magnom. We're here to get you out of here." She looked at their expressions, but most of them were still wary. "Joey will lead you all to the exit, but there are still guards and people in the building who need to be taken cared of. If you want to fight back with me, come over here."

"Sav?" A small voiced asked, that she recognized immediately. Her heart dropped.


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