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Morgan zipped up her backpack. It contained all she was bringing with her: a couple changes of clothes, some snacks, and other small things. She didn't have many possessions. She was planning on bringing a pistol with her and a few magazines, but ended up giving it to Marcus.

Joey and Pepper were already ready to go, also packing light. Pepper had gotten them some free airplane passes by using a computer at a nearby library.

"You sure you all will be ok on your own?" Morgan asked.

"We will. We've got good ol' Marcus here to protect us," Monica said, nudging him with her shoulder. He smiled, holding the pistol for proof, just as the magazine fell out.

Morgan sighed, and gave him instruction on how to put it in again. "I thought you said you used one of these before?"

"I know how to shoot it," he clarified.

"Whatever. You guys know what you need to do while we're gone?" Pepper asked.

"Keep Rylie alive, leave Pennsington, search for a large area where we can keep all the supernaturals, and keep in contact," Monica said.

Joey nodded in approval. "Be careful."

"We should be telling you that," Tyler replied.

"We'll be back before you know it," Pepper assured, putting her hand on Joey's shoulder. Morgan did the same, and then they disappeared.


The three found themselves now in a dark janitor's closet. Pepper, dizzy and unprepared for the teleportation, clumsily found her way to the wall to steady herself. She swallowed some vomit that had crawled up her throat. "I will never get used to that."

Morgan found her way to the light switch, and suddenly there was an abundance of light in the room. Joey poked his head out of the closet, looking to see if anyone was watching, then casually came out. At different times, Pepper and Morgan followed.

They were in an airport, their flight soon to leave for Syria. They went straight past the luggage checking and went straight for security. Of course, they knew it'd be difficult to get past with the contents in their backpacks, which was why Joey sneakily teleported all things they wouldn't be able to bring on the flight to the other side, hidden.

The group of three breezed through the security check with no trouble. They found their flight, and after some time, they got onto the plane.

"That was easy," Pepper commented.

"I don't think we should speak so soon," Morgan replied, staring at a middle aged man sitting a few rows back, throwing glances in her direction too many times to be unsuspicious. She could see a little bit of his badge protruding from his pocket.

"Let's not give him a reason to do anything," Joey said, as the emergency protocol instruction began. "We don't need to make a scene unnecessarily. We have more than fourteen hours to come up with a plan on how we're going to invade the camp, so let's use it wisely."

Morgan tore her eyes away, and nodded.


"Hey, Rylie," Monica said, soothingly, as Rylie slowly woke up.

"God, my back is killing me," he murmured.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how you didn't feel it before," she said. "We're going to get you some help. A healer, hopefully."

"A healer?" He repeated, uncertainly.

She nodded, taking a cold, wet cloth and wringing it out, then placing it on his forehead. "Morgan, Pepper and Joey left earlier today for Syria."

"What?" He exclaimed, bolting to sit up. "No! I want to help! I'm fine, really. I'm the superhero of this damn city, so I'm not going to just sit on my ass while other people do the hard work. Even if I don't have any powers."

"With that? Not a chance," she replied, firmly. "Lay back down. You're not doing yourself any favours."

He grumbled something incoherent, then did as told. "Who's Joey and Morgan?"

"Right, you missed that," she said. "It turned out that Teddy was actually Joey, Morgan's friend form the camps. And Morgan is Sav. But stop trying to change the subject. You're not going after them in this condition."

"What's the plan, then?"

"Well, while those three are in Syria," she said, "we are going to search for somewhere to contain all our incoming supernaturals and keep you alive."

"Is it that bad?"

"Infections aren't fun. The longer we leave it like that, the more it could spread," she answered. "Which is why we're hoping there's a healer at the camp. If there's not or it gets worse before they get back, we might have to go steal some antibiotics from a hospital or pharmacy."

"Yes!" They heard Tyler cheer from the living room.

"Although we're hoping it won't come to that," she said, loudly. There was no reply, and she smiled, satisfied. "We'll be moving soon. We didn't really have many possessions, as we kind of dropped everything when we learned you and Morgan were taken. While Tyler and Marcus are searching for something like a warehouse, you and I will be here, making sure those wounds don't get any worse."

He sighed. "This isn't fair."

"What isn't fair is that you didn't come to me earlier with this."


Pepper and Joey had fallen asleep on either side of Morgan. A few hours into the flight, Pepper had been finding blueprints on the camp which proved easier said than done, as any evidence of any camp was wiped out. Still, she had faith in Pepper. Even if they didn't find the blueprints, Morgan could still use her memory of the camp to help.

Morgan slipped past Pepper, and passed the officer who was now reading a book, seemingly uninterested in her now. She went the bathroom, then washed her hands and opened the door only to find the officer standing in her way. He pulled the badge out of his pocket and held it up to show her. "Officer Fulmon. I'm going to have to ask you to turn around and put your hands behind your back."

"Excuse me?" She said in fake surprise, eyes widening.

"I have reason to believe you are a safety hazard and will have to take you into custody," he explained, his voice still low, pulling out his handcuffs. "Hands, please."

"This is ridiculous," she accused. "I'm not getting put in handcuffs because you got a bad vibe from me."

"There is a warrant for your arrest, Miss Carter," he said. "Although I don't know the reason, I'm still going to have to ask you to turn around."

She sighed, and allowed him to clasp the metal cuffs on each wrist behind her backs. "Can I at least tell my friends what's happening?" He hesitated, but nodded.

They walked down the aisle toward Joey and Pepper, and she nudged Pepper, who snorted then woke up. "What's up?" She asked, yawning, then noticed that her hands weren't free and Pepper's eyes widened.

"It's fine," Morgan assured. "Just continue with the project without me. We'll figure it out when we land in Syria."

"If you're sure..."

Officer Fulmon lead her to where he was sitting, and she sat beside him.

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