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"Wake up," Siphon ordered, hitting her side his foot. It wasn't terribly hard, but hard enough to wake her immediately. "Time to go, Morgie."

2832 glared at him. His voice has awoken Alexis. She wasn't sure if the other boy had, too, as he was still in his corner. "Sav?"

"I'll be fine, Alexis," she assured, standing up.

"You said he's taking you to the bad men!" She cried, jumping to her feet with some difficulty. "He can't do that!"

"But I am," Siphon interjected. "And if you know what's good for you, you'll sit right back down there."

"I won't let you!" She shouted. "I won't!" Suddenly, the lights in the dingy basement flickered. 2832's eyes widened. How in the world...

Siphon seemed shocked as well. He looked as though he was focusing, and fighting against her using her powers. The lights finally returned to their usual dim lighting, and he huffed, grabbing the chain that connected 2832's cuffs together and pulled her out.

"She's a zero," 2832 said, stumbling along as she struggled to keep up his fast pace. "Do you really think you can contain her?"

"I don't need to, at least for long," he replied. "Besides, she's not the first zero I've had in my possession. Although that was under much different circumstances."

"Impossible. There has only been one zero known to man, which is Alexis," she stated.

He stopped, and stared at her, almost like he was trying to figure her out. "You really are stupid, aren't you?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you mean?"

He sighed, letting go of her. "It doesn't matter. From what I'm guessing, you've only got a couple days—if I'm being generous—left to live. There's no point." Then, he let go of the chain and threw his fist towards her face. She, however, was expecting it and brought up her hand to stop him from punching her. His expression turned from calm to mad in a millisecond. "Retaliation will only end in punishment. I thought you'd have learned that in the lab."

"Have you forgotten already? I'm the failure," she shot back with a smile, letting go of his hand.

He anger dissipated, and he studied her face again. "If anything, I'd call you a success."

"What the hell are you talking—"

Then, he quickly placed her in a chokehold and used his enhanced strength to keep her there. The sudden lack of oxygen was a shock to her and she helplessly tried to breathe. It didn't take long for her to feel faint, and she fell unconscious.


2832 woke up, head pounding. She slowly opened her eyes, finding herself being shook awake by Siphon. "We're here, Morgie. And I'm not carrying you in."

She groaned at the pain her head, but obeyed and got out of the car. She would have recognized the modern building anywhere, her old workplace. He dragged her inside by the arm, and she realized her standard cuffs were replaced by the ones that left her powerless. That must mean they'd be leaving each other.

They went inside the false software company and to the doors at the back. He bit his glove and pulled it off, revealing white, almost pale, skin. "So you're actually human under that getup."

"To them, Morgie," he said, placing his bare hand on the hand sensor on the handle, "none of us are human." He pulled the door and slipped his glove back on. "Now, put on a brave face, sweets," he whispered in her ear, and she fought the urge to move away but stood her ground through the uncomfortable interaction. "This isn't going to be fun."

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