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After much hard work, Rylie and his friends managed to get everything back to the way it was, except for the beam that they couldn't move back to the ceiling. Monica was stressing about it, saying it was too dangerous to remain there when the roof could collapse under them without the support.

Rylie wasn't as happy as he usually was. He tried to act normal but loosing his powers effected him a lot. They were apart of him. He just felt empty without them.

"How are you, Ry?" Marcus asked, gently.

"I'm fine," he answered, the same answer he had been using since the other day. He was still wearing his suit.

"And your injuries?" Monica said.

"My head hurts, the nose bleed stopped, and my back is still killing me," he recounted. "I have to go to school tomorrow. What are we going to do about all this?"

"The broken nose is the only visible injury, so you just need to come up with an excuse," Monica replied. "Say you were playing a sport or something."

"I really hate to bring this up," Pepper said, "but people are going to notice the disappearance of their hero. People won't be scared of getting caught by Light Glider, and crime will spike back up to how it used to be just like how it was before Rylie came along. The police here are shit, so what are we supposed to do?"

"There's still a supernatural in this city..." Tyler suggested, his voice going slightly high.

"2832? There's no way," Pepper shook her head. "She was ready to kill Rylie."

"But she defended him against Siphon!" Tyler exclaimed. "And when she woke up yesturday, she just left."

"Because Light Glider wasn't any use to her anymore," Marcus supplied.

"But we know a lot," he continued. "Like, more than we should by a long shot. She should have killed us, but she didn't!"

"I didn't," a voice said, walking into the warehouse. There was 2832 in the same clothing from the other day, arms crossed.

"Here to finish the job?" Pepper seethed, trying to remain calm.

"No." She sighed. "There's something wrong with me, and you're the only people I know who can help me."

Monica hesitantly moved in her direction, hand on a desk. "What is it?"

"That you're a psycho bitch?" Pepper muttered, and Tyler elbowed her in the side.

2832 glared at her. "I just saved all your asses, so you shouldn't be running your mouth."

"What are you talking about?" Rylie asked, standing up, adjusting his mask.

"My team wanted answers," 2832 said. "They wanted to know who you were, who your team members were, and where you were all hiding out. But, I couldn't tell them."

Tyler opened his mouth, most likely to say something about it, but she cut him off. "Let me finish. I've been with one of your kind for a while now."

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