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"Got it," Monica said, tweezers holding a small piece of metal with a small, blinking, red light. "Do we just destroy it?"

Pepper looked at it. "Yeah, I guess." Monica dropped it on the ground and crushed it with the heel of her shoe. "Great. You want to stitch him up, and I'll clean up?" She nodded.

Pepper bent down and picked up the broken pieces and threw it in the garbage. She put everything back into Monica's medical bag after cleaning the blood off of it. A few minutes after Monica finished sewing the small slit she had made, Teddy slowly woke up.

"Oh, shit," he murmured, looking down at his arm. "That hurts."

"I'll get you some pain medication," Monica quickly rushed off to the bathroom.

"Well, on the plus side, it's out of you," Pepper said, walking over as he swung his legs off the edge of table, "and gone."

"Great. Where's Tyler and Marcus?"

"They ran off to their room." She rolled her eyes. "Apparently, they can't handle some blood."

"Did you... Knock me out?" He asked, holding his head.

"I did," she said, proudly. "Turns out Sav isn't the only one who can kick some ass."

"Oh, bullshit," Tyler accused as he walked in. "You just used your smarts. There's a difference."

Monica came back in with a couple pills, and he swallows them with some water. "Can we talk about this escape plan now, then?" Marcus asked, sitting down at the table.

"Right." Teddy shook his head, trying to clear his mind.

"They're in the AMO, right?" Tyler confirmed.

"Yes," Teddy said. "I heard it from one of the transporters. I don't know when their execution is, though, so I think as soon as possible is the best option."

"There's a problem, though," Pepper stated. "We don't know anything about the AMO. At least, nothing about the blueprints and where things are. It's also a super secure place, by what Sav had told us, so breaking in would be tricky."

"Teddy's a supernatural though, right?" Tyler said. "Can't he just teleport us in, they teleport us out?"

"I highly doubt a place that contains supernaturals wouldn't have some sort thing to prevent that from happening," Marcus said, shooting down the idea.

"Well, Sav never mentioned it," Pepper defended. "If she trained there, they couldn't have something over it. Otherwise, supernaturals couldn't practice." Tyler crossed his arms smugly, and she noticed. "However, they'd definitely have some sort of power prevention wherever Rylie and Sav are being held. Therefore, we could get close, but what do we do from there?"

"Well, either way, I think we can all agree on a stealthy approach," Monica said. "We can't use force or we'll easily be overpowered."

"A kind of sneak in, sneak out situation," Marcus said. "We aren't there to fight. It's a rescue mission, and that's all."

"I remember Sav saying it was in a building marked as Tress Enterprises," Tyler said. "So we at least know where it is."

"I can find out everything we need to know," Pepper confidently said, "given the right equipment."

"What kind of equipment?" Teddy asked.

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