21.| The Alpha Team

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"N-n-n-no. This cannot be happening! Another girl?! C'mon man what happened to Angie? She w-", the Asian guy spoke up before getting pushed by his tall skyscraper buddy.

"This conversation isn't about Angela.", Keith says as his voice deepens and eyes narrow down on his teammates.

Alex's eyes scan both of the boys as they come to a halt in front of Keith and Alex. It was just then that Alex realized Keith's cheek was resting against her left temple. That's when she made the mistake of tensing up; this was Keith's silently que to let his grin spread.

She hated getting these feelings; they were so foreign to her body yet somehow they were desired for. While the Asian guy and skyscraper argued Keith's breath was felt moving to her ear.

"And they call you a killer?", he whispers in her ear before letting her go and backing up.

She stood there shocked while at the same time; furious beyond belief. It was as if Keith had read her mind when she spun on heels, storming towards him with fists clenched by her sides.

"Release your anger when we get there.", Keith yells.

"Keith man I'm sorry, Jasper just hasn't been having it today. I mean have you seen the way he parked his Dodge? The agency taught us better.", The skyscraper says while shaking his head leaving the Asian guy; now known as Jasper, wide mouthed.

"I didn't say anything wrong. Angela's smoking hot, and so is she bu-", Jasper begins babbling; as he refers to Alex, before he gets wacked over the head by skyscraper and Keith.

"OW! What the heck guys! What was that fo-", Jasper spits out while rubbing the back of his head.

"Shut the hell up!", Keith and skyscraper yell in unison, each standing on either side of Jasper.

"Whoa, okay okay I surrender. Jheeze, so overprotective over women-", Jasper begins before getting wacked over the head again from both guys; finally giving Natalia a reason to laugh.

Keith looked up causing Alex to suddenly find something interesting over to her left as she tugged on her lips and straightened her back. He grins just as his friend glanced over Jasper and looked at him.

"Hey, Keith mind introducing us?", The taller one of Keith's friends states with a smirk.

Keith gives him an annoyed glare and flips him off before straightening his back and clearing his throat.

"Alex. Meet Felix and Jasper; as you've probably already picked up. And guys meet our new teammate; Alex.", Keith introduces a little nervous.

Skyscraper; Felix, holds out his hand with Jasper quick to follow.

"Guys calm down, one hand at a ti-", Keith begins before getting cut off by Jasper.

"Well, you probably did a lot more than just shake her ha-", Jasper begins before getting a shove from Felix.

"Just one day Jasper. One day! Can't you just do us all a favor and drive your mind away from perverted things for just one day?", Felix says before he shakes his head and holds out his hand which Alex gave a firm shake as her smile slowly formed into a grin.

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