33.| Hercules On A Dirt Bike

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Alex had just got off the plane she had been on, for what seemed like forever, and was already feeling the tropical vibe Baja California was sending out. Yet, she quickly shook it off as she reminded herself the real reason she was there.

Back home Arthur had informed her that Jennifer would also be in the mission with Alex, yet both would be boarding different planes at a slightly different time and a different airport to lower the suspicion. To make it even more sophisticated Alex was given a pair of evergreen eye contacts to match the greenish colored camera contact in her right eye and Jennifer was given the same eye contact material with a hazel color instead of green.

After Alex successfully gotten out of the airport and found the car the agency had given her she was back on the road traveling to the restaurant she would meet Jennifer in.

Keith and Bailey were already in Costa Rica, they had actually been there since yesterday and Keith had already managed to complete his mission while Bailey was struggling to complete hers. Since Bailey had just been introduced to intense combat fighting she was obviously a newbie and couldn't get past the tall man towering over her in the fighting ring.

She had already taken a few severe blows which Keith considered "healable in a couple hours" when he meant weeks, but Keith was obviously not intervening because he had just called up Alex and was in a deep conversation with her about something big that was left out of the explanation involving her mission.

Bailey called out even before she could be thrown into the jaws of the wrestlers and was quickly weaving her way to Keith who was standing outside talking to Alex through his phone. Just as she flung herself out of the warehouse where the wrestling matches took place Keith had ended the call and gave her a shocked look.

"Did the bears get to you?! What...let's just get you cleaned up.", Keith finally said when he had noticed how annoyed and pissed she looked.

"What does Alex need now?", Bailey suddenly asks blankly as they both jump into the silver Porsche.

Keith looks at her from the corner of his eyes as she examines her fists.

"She doesn't need anything, unlike someone I know.", Keith says as he finishes the last part in a whisper Bailey caught.

"I heard that Sniper.", Bailey says as they both smile and glare at each other competitively.

"Looks like Crayons has one of her five senses working.", Keith adds in as he makes a turn into the hotel parking lot which was fairly close to the warehouse Bailey had just tried fighting in.

"Pft, at least I'm colorful while your just plain old grey."

"You don't say? Well, at least I get the badass nickname while you're stuck with a childish nickname.", Keith argues back as they get out of the car and continue arguing over the top of the Porsche.

"Oh, yea? Childish nicknames are creative-"

"Okay, okay genius, stay in here while I go upstairs and rescue your suitcase.", Keith says as he pushes himself off the car and begins strolling towards the hotel's entrance.

"Why can't I do that?"

"Ya wanna go in with that bust up face and make everyone believe Walking Dead is actually real?", Keith says after he had turned around with a wide grin plastered on his face.

After receiving the shocked expression he was expecting from Bailey he then turns back around, shoves the car keys in his pocket and walks into the hotel with a slight bounce to his steps.

Felix; like Keith, had already finished his mission and was now on his way to Oscar and Jasper when he had heard that Jasper injured himself when he jumped out of the window five stories off ground.

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