32.| Dare Or Penalty

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After they had all successfully gotten out of sleep mode and were once again surrounding the empty fire pit munching on some light breakfast they were given by Kaleb did Keith decide to mention that he would once again be leaving to Costa Rica on another mission. 

"Seriously? Dad already found another criminal?", Dallas asks after everyone's gleeful moods came crumbling downward; including Alex who was obviously trying not to show it.

"Well, lucky me, Bailey will be my assistant, while Oscar and Jasper hit Morocco, Felix hits India and Alex hits Baja California.", Keith says with an innocent smile as he hands everyone their files; excluding Oscar and Dallas.

"And I felt bad for him.", Alex grumbles to herself as she opens the file exposing her to a face that belonged to a terrorist.

"Okay well then lets at least make our time worth it before you leave.", Dallas says trying uplift everyone's sour moods.

After everyone finally nodded in agreement, Armstrong's famous Dare or Penalty game began.

"Okay so for those who have forgotten how to play-", Dallas begins.

"Or are new", Keith adds with a smirk as he earned an eye roll from Alex.

"Yes, or that, Dare or Penalty is a game where you either do the dare or suffer the penalty. Whoever gets three or more strikes on not accepting the penalty gets to go through hell-", Dallas continues before getting cut off by his twin, again.

"Which means that you have to jump into the swimming pool with only swimming shorts, swim across it, jump into a trampoline full of set mouse traps and unset all of them before jumping out onto legos and afterward-", Keith chimes in as he continues for his twin.

"Give yourself a paper cut!", Dallas and Keith finish in unison with a little too much excitement. 

"You guys do know that for a pair of six-year-olds, coming up with such an idea is considered mental disability right?", Felix states as he shakes his head from left to right in disappointment.

"Okay, I start!", Jasper quickly says before Dallas could claim the spot, "Hey, I'm the youngest."
Dallas gives him a glare before smirking to himself and giving his twin a mischievious nudge as they soon both shared the same clever smirks.

"You guys are creepy, anyways, I dare Alex to eat the remaining avocado.", Jasper says with a wide smile as Alex widens her eyes and begins complaining how they always picked on her, "Or you can...hold Dallas's hand."

After a moment of silence, Alex stood, pushed Keith off his chair and into hers and grasps Dallas's hand a little too tight causing him to tug his hand away and rub it as he gave Alex a warning glare.

"Careful with rightie! Without him, I'm doomed tomorrow at dance rehearsal.", Dallas whines before laughing it off and regripping Alex's hand.

"Okay Texas, your turn.", Keith says with a grin as both twins eye each other before Alex shoves Keith and earns a hard, satisfying high-five from Dallas's part.

"Uh...Jasper, I dare you to take off your shirt and stay that way until the games done or you can take the penalty and eat raw eggs.", Dallas proudly says.

"What types of options are those?", Jasper hollers as everyone erupts into laughter, since most of them knew Jasper had a weakness of freezing to death the minute he took his shirt off, "Fine, give me a strike. I'm not doing either. Keith just go."

"Alex. I dare you do a handstand while holding Dallas's hand for a minute...or destroy my Mum's car.", Keith says.

"I'm doing the dare.", Alex immediately says as she stands and drags Dallas to an empty spot on the almost dried up grass and begins her handstand as Felix times it.

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