Your Safe Now

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Previously on Prongslet

Sirius looked surprised for a moment and then came and picked Harry up and rubbed soothing circles on his back and said " Harry, don't worry, No one will ever hurt you again" Harry looked at him and decided to trust these people for now.

"Do you want to go home now cub?" Asked Remus taking Harry from Sirius
Harry flinched for a second but then went to Remus and nodded at his question.
Madam Pomfrey heard what they were saying and nodded in approval and lead them to her personal floo
"You might want to hold your breath for a second," said Remus and yelled " GRIMMAULD PALACE" and disappeared followed by Sirius
"Welcome to your new house Harry," said Remus


"Well," said Lupin " Here you are, your new home"

Harry hadn't talked to Lupin or Sirius since he arrived at his new home

"Moony" Sirius wined and Remus ignored him

"So Harry what do you think?" Harry just stood silently looking around him and grasping everything

"MOONY!!" Sirius half yelled

"What Padfoot?" Lupin asked exasperatedly

"I'm hungry" he replied

"Well, I could go with some food for myself, What do you say Harry?" asked Remus. Harry nodded

"Well let's go clean up," said Lupin. He and Sirius left while Harry stayed behind and went into the kitchen and got out saucepans eggs and bacon and began cooking

" Hey Moony, do you smell bacon?

"Yea, did you steal food from the Hogwarts elves again Sirius?" Lupin said and which Sirius shook his head. They both went downstairs and met a Harry with excited eye's.

" I cooked your breakfast for you," he said " and I didn't burn anything"

"Cub" Remus said and pulled Harry toward him at which Harry shouted "I SWEAR I DIDNT BURN IT. Please don't hurt me I am sorry I only burnt the corner of the bacon." he said sobbing

Remus and Sirius were startled and Sirius pulled Harry in a hug at which Harry flinched but went in for a hug anyway and sobbed on Sirius's shoulder wondering why they weren't punishing him.

"Harry," Remus said softly " We are NEVER going to hurt you, You hear me? NEVER" Harry nodded "and Harry" Remus continued " What I was going to do earlier was this" and picked him up and hugged him tight at which Harry gave a small giggle.

"Also Harry. You don't have to cook breakfast for us, That's our job, You can take what you want from the pantry but no cooking ok? Unless you want to" Harry nodded

Sirius picked him up and set him down on a chair and served him eggs and bacon and said " Dig in"

Harry looked shocked since he was never allowed a full meal and never allowed to sit on the table

Sirius noticed Harry's look and asked "What's wrong Prongslet?"

"I get a whole meal and I get to sit with you?" He asked

Remus noticed " Of course Harry"

Sirius was silently getting mad and whispered " We need to talk to Dumbledore about this" to Lupin


Hey guys I just want to thank



for giving my book a shot

Please vote comment and love u guyyys

If I forgot you please let me know and I'll give you a shout next chapter

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