Minnie Mouse

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Important PS at the bottom

this chapter is dedicated to magicthefoxfnaf  

Previously on Prongslet

Harry nodded and Remus then told Sirius "we should tell Dumbledore about this"

"FINALLY" Sirius exclaimed.

"Finally what?" Remus asked scrunching his eyebrows

"Finally, YOU ARE PROVEN WRONG AND IM RIGHT" Sirius shouted

Remus just sighed and shook his head and then sent a Patronus to Dumbledore telling him that they would be arriving soon


A phoenix Patronus came back to the with Dumbledore just saying "ok, use the floo"

Remus then took Harry to the floo and told him to say "Hogwarts, Dumbledore's office"

Harry nodded but he also knew that he couldn't say Dumbledore properly and he also didn't know if saying Albus would have the same effect

Harry stepped into the grate first. The floo powder was already making his nose feel itchy.
"Hogwarts, Dumly" Harry coughed and never got to say the full sentence cause the floo powder was making him cough and sneeze

When Harry appeared on the other side of the floo grate he found himself in a woman office. The woman wore green robes and looked like she was in her 40's.

When her floo roared she turned around in shock. When she saw Harry she immediately knew who he was and not because of the scar

"Harry James Potter?" She breathed out "is that you?"

Harry's eyes were wide open and he was obviously scared. He only trusted a few people and when he was around new people he always got scared that they would hurt him unless Sirius and/or Remus introduced him/her

Harry just kept quiet until the woman kindly asked "Do you want me to take you to Dumbledore"

Harry simply nodded, He flinched when the woman took his hand which she noticed but kept quiet about it. The woman took Harry to Dumbledore's office but Harry was getting more and more scared by the second. "Lemon Drops," the woman said and led Harry inside Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore was inside talking to a concerned Sirius and Remus

Harry let out a squeal and went and hugged them. Remus and Sirius were so relieved to see Harry safe and sound that they forgot about everyone else in the room.

Dumbledore then cleared his throat as an indication that they still had business to attend to. They broke apart from one another and it only then did Sirius realized the woman who was there

"MINNIE!!" Sirius exclaimed

"Mr. Black, I have told you many times not to call me that," McGonagall said sternly

Sirius pretended to ignore that remark and told Harry "pup, this is Minnie, She was my teacher when I studied here"

Harry looked confused and said "Minnie as in Minnie Mouse" (sorry guys had to do that)

Remus burst out laughing and it was obvious that he was the only one who got the joke

"I could transfigure myself to a mouse, yes, but I don't see what that has to do with the absurd name Mr. Black gave me," McGonagall said sternly

"No professor, Minnie is a character in one of the children shows," Remus said while still trying to control his laughter.

Remus then pulled his wand out and said "Augmenorus Imperfactus"

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