Hogwarts Again

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Previously on Prongslet

Remus let Harry open a few more presents and then the floo roared. Remus and Sirius went downstairs and saw that everyone had started to arrive. They all wished Harry happy birthday and handed him their presents. He got a book from Hermione, A sweater from Mrs. Weasley, pranks from Fred and George, Dragon powder from Draco and much more. Harry spent the rest of the night saying thank you to his guests. Then they all ate cake and played games


It was the night of another full moon, Harry had to be left with someone again and he wasn't taking it well.

"Moony, I don't want you to go" cried, Harry

"Now cub, you know that even with the wolfsbane potion it is still dangerous," said Remus hoping to get some sense in Harry

"but I don't care" whined Harry

"come on the pup, you can have whoever you want to babysit you," said Sirius deciding to join in

"But Padfoot, you will leave me there and not care about me and I will be sent back to the Dursleys," said Harry who was full on sobbing

Remus and Sirius finally realized why he didn't want them to go

"Shh, cub," said Remus pulling Harry into a tight hug "listen, no matter what we will always come back for you, understand?"

Harry nodded and buried himself in between Sirius and Remus. When they pulled back Harry was wiping his tears from his face.

"better now?" Asked Sirius kindly

Harry nodded again and asked, "who will be with me for the night?"

"we don't know yet Harry, The Weasleys are away with their Aunt Muriel, so they have their own problems to deal with," Sirius said grinning

"don't be rude Padfoot" Remus scolded

"You know that its true don't u Moony?" Asked Sirius as if he was challenging Remus

Remus sighed and said "I guess"

"what's so bad about her?" Harry asked

Remus and Sirius began to laugh and then Sirius said: "Imagine someone saying that we were horrible and Dumbledore needs a whatcha call them muggle people Moony?"

"therapist?" Remus smiled

"yea one of those" Sirius agreed

"but that's not true," Harry said quietly

"Well that doesn't matter to Muriel" Sirius laughed

"She doesn't sound like a nice person," Harry said quietly yet again and at that Sirius and Remus began to laugh until they both had stitches on their sides.

"You still haven't told me who I'm staying with," Harry said crossly since he didn't get the joke

"I mean it's up to you cub" Remus answered

"How about Severus?" Harry asked eagerly

"Snivellus? I never did get what you saw in him" Sirius exasperatedly said

"Of course you can Harry," said Remus glaring at Sirius

"Padfoot, everyone has a nice side, You don't like Snape but I do, I want you to apologize" scolded Harry

"Sorry," Sirius said cheekily

"good" Harry said pleased

"Thank god he has Lily in him," Remus said relieved thinking of what Harry would do if he only had Jame's side in him.

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