Chapter 1

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I clench my fist tightly, my nails dig into my skin causing blood to seep through the broken skin. I lay on the ground waiting for the door to slam shut leaving me behind in a pool of my own blood. Like I predicted the door slams shut leaving me alone on the dirty wooden ground.

I know better than to pick myself off the ground before my father leaves, that's one of the many rules that I have. Within a few minutes my body slowly grows numb, I pick myself up leaning against the wall as a support. There's probably a bruise or two forming on my shoulder from when my dad kicked me, but I can't feel pain right now so it doesn't matter. 

When my shoulder touches the wall, there isn't any sting of pain or much feeling in that area in general. It all just feels so numb to me. 

Out of a fit of rage I punch the wall leaving another hole in it. Don't ask why I punch the wall it's more of something like a relief. It probably sounds dumb doing things like this. Blood runs from my knuckles but my hands already start the numbing process. 

I get that it isn't normal to punch a wall, but so far everything in my life is different, abnormal if you might. My name is Angel Claude girly name right. Personality is shitty and I can't give two shits about that. I don't need to be nice or respectful if others aren't going to do the same for me. My life is unusual and there are even moments where I find it freakish myself. Since I'm un-important I'll get back to the story.

I lower myself on the thin mattress, shivers racking down my spine at the cold fingers slither along my battered and brushed skin for any signs of broken bones. 

No surprise when I notice my rib a little out of place. Anyone could tell it's broken. I push my broken rib into place cringing when I hear the bone snap back in place. 

My parents don't like me which  is pretty obvious. If anyone's an idiot then let me put it in simple words. 'I'm being AbUsEd'. Anyway don't ask why they don't like me because I don't even know the answer. My eye lids grow heavy and soon I fall asleep to the shouting and screaming downstairs. My life is different, but I ain't gonna cry over it.


I wake up to silence which is a first. All I can assume is that, that probably isn't a good thing.

I empty my bladder in the connected bathroom to my room and run the cold shower since I'm not allowed to use hot water in this household. Somehow my parents found out last time I used hot water and the results weren't good so since then I haven't touched the hot water.

I search for the clothes from yesterday, don't have other clothes all of it is dirty or ripped. Ripped clothes are usually a clear indicator that something is wrong. I put on my baggy red V-neck long sleeve shirt, it helps covering the bruises and cuts that infest my arms right now. Next, I slip on my plain denim blue jeans. I slide my destroyed Adidas sneakers that are getting way to small for my growing form.

I sling my bag strap over my shoulder in one swift movement. I tip toe quietly down the stairs missing the ones that squeak under weight. I walk out the rotting door without waking or seeing any signs of abusive parents Safe

After 10 minutes of walking my high school comes into view. The sign reads 'Red Woods High School' in a bright red font. This school is only for werewolves, again it's different right? Most schools want werewolves to socialise and mix with humans but not this school they make sure to keep all humans away. Strict rule in this place.

I'm 5'6 so my tiny figure would make anyone believe I'm an Omega. I may be small but I'm stronger than what I appear and can stand up for myself. Also my speed surpasses most, not to boast or anything. I won't get cocky because I'm not like those jocks that like to boast about themselves. When I say this, I mean I can't talk much so I can't really boast about it anyway. I can always fight back no matter what situation I'm in just prefer not to. I walk through the halls of hell. Stares of disgust and fear follow my back like I'm an unwanted piece of trash. I walk to my locker unlocking it. It's then shut on my hand. Nothing. Again freakish. I turn around to see my favourite bully oh I really do love him. Note the sarcasm.

Practically Normal (BoyxBoy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя