Chapter 18

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Hade's POV

Reece and I head back to our room still sort of in shock from Angel's sudden wing sprout. I pull out my keys and open the door. I walk over to the bed and stand beside it. I stair at the bed before face planting onto it. I let out all air in my lungs, my body deflating and emerging with the bed. I feel a dip next to me causing me to turn at Reece's direction. He places a hand on my hair and ruffles it softly. Tingles litter my head in pleasure. I love Reece so much. I'm so glad I met Angel and Dawson if I never met them two I might've never found out that Angel is my brother. Regardless I'm also glad to have found Reece as my mate. 

"I love you" He whispers as he falls beside me.

"You read my mind, I love you too." I reply with a smile. He gives me a peck on the cheek causing a little manly squeal to escape my lips. That was weird. He pulls my head against his chest and the chuckles send vibrations from his chest onto my body. His laugh is just so adorable. I smile into his chest. 

"Hades your wings are out" He says. I hum before realising what he just said. I turn my head to see two wings sprouting from my back again. Okay, so I love my wings but at the same time I hate them. He strokes my feathers more tingles spreading through my back. Sensitive wings, stupid wings too apparently. 

"You like being touched on your wings."He whispers next to my ear seductively. I can't help moan when he strokes the bone of my wings. I try to pull them back into my back only to no avail. His hand travels to my back where my wings sprout out from. His hand goes down my spine to my bum. Seriously sex right now. Geez, I got myself a horny alpha as my mate. Not like I have a problem with that. Reece's hand plays with the waistband of my pants causing me to whine. I feel him mount on me straddling my hips. I pull in my wings with as my strength I can before turning around so I can face him. Reece waste no time to attacking my neck with kisses. 

(To lazy to write the sex scene sorry I would but I'll have a panic attack just from writing my own story)

  I wake up from a sharp pain in my bum. Reece was to strong dam it now it hurts. 

'Run' My wolf says in my head with much excitement. Well in wolf form it won't hurt that much. I get up from our bed feeling something drip down my leg. Maybe I'll take a shower first before going for a walk. I head into the shower and get rid of anything in my ass. 

I get out not bothering to put any clothes on. I jump out the window shifting mid air and landing with a thump. A soft breeze brushes through my fur. I stretch my limbs hearing some satisfactory pops from my bones. 

'Finally' My wolf sighs in relief. 

'I'll let you take control but don't stray to far.' I warn. He agrees before sprinting off into the dark forest. The wind dances through my fur gently. Oh I love being a werewolf. My nose catches another scent beside us. I notice Reece's wolf running beside us. Must have known we left. 

'Running away from me already.' Reece says through our own personal mind link.

'Yeah, remembered I don't love you anymore' I say sarcastically.  

'Too bad I'm never letting you leave' He says before pouncing on us. We both tumble down a hill luckily not crashing into any trees. I sprout my wings and before landing in freezing cold water lift off the ground. I burst into laughter when Reece's plan backfires and he falls into the water instead of me. 

'Dam it Hades you were meant to get in with me.' He says. 

'Yeah right' I fly back down to earth and land softly with all four paws. I'm about to walk away before I feel a wrist wrap around my paw. I yelp in surprise when I'm pulled into the water. I shift into my human form before falling in.

"REECE IT'S FREEZING!" I yell, scrambling out of the water. He laughs at me and gets out, picking me up. He probably thought he was warm. Nope, he was just as freezing as the water. 

"Warm now" He says smiling down cheekily.

"No, you're more cold than the water." I tell him honestly. He pouts. I sprout my wings and quickly jump out of his arms grabbing his wrist at the same time. I use my back muscles and fly into the air. The chill of the wind sending shivers down my body. When I'm high enough I make sure I have a tight grip on Reece's wrist before I start to spin us round in circles. After a while I fly back towards the pack house and drop Reece to the ground. I notice him shiver visibly as I fly onto our balcony and pull my wings back. I look down to where Reece looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"Your fault for cumming in me and pulling me into the cold water." I yell at him before getting into our room. Warmth engulfs me, the hot air-con obviously on since it's Winter. I pull on some warm clothes and snuggle under the blankets. After a while I hear the door open and something freezing slip under the many layers of blankets. The warmth I'm feeling turns cold when Reece's body sticks against mine. I yelp at the cold touch. 

"IDIOT!" I yell before falling out of the bed.

"Shhh, people are sleeping and this is your fault for leaving me in the Winter cold night" He says in a hushed voice. Dam it. I crawl back into the bed and snuggle up to Reece's cold body. A few minutes later and both of us feel warmer. I feel my eyes slowly growing heavier. 

"Night Hades, Love ya" Reece says softly with his deep voice.

"Love you too" I whisper back before falling into a deep sleep. 

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