Chapter 17

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Angel's POV

I giggled happily when I feel two hands wrap around my waist. The warm breathe on the nape of my neck giving chills down my spine. 

"Dawson, thats ticklish" I giggle again and cut the carrot. I feel a smile form on his face as his face presses up against my neck. "I need to cut dinner, please don't" I whine as I cut the carrot again. 

"I know Angel but can you leave the carrot's alone for a few seconds." He spins me around so I'm facing him. Our bodies pressed against each other. His warmth radiating onto my body. 

"Fine" I sigh and place a kiss on his cheek. A smile forms on his face. I stand up on my tippy toes and lean in. I place my lips on his. Tingles sprout all throughout my body. Dawson's tongue slips into my mouth and explores every part. My pants fill the room as he plants butterfly kisses down my jaw and collarbone. A little moan escapes my mouth as he gets to the mark. 

"Get a room" Dawson lets go of my neck startled. I turn around to find the source of the voice. Hades was leaning against the wall while Reece had his arms snaked around Hades hips. 

"We will tonight" Dawson whispers in my ear in his deep voice causing shivers to run down my spine. I nearly let out a moan in pleasure.

Dawson lets go of my waist and heads over to the coach with Reece. Hades walks up to me and starts to cook the food while I cut the carrots. 

*After Dinner*

I might have had a little to much to drink. I lean against Dawson's body for support as I stumble around the place like a crazy drunkard. 

"Geez Angel, you had way to much to drink." I smile cheekily at Dawson who returns a handsome smile. My smile instantly drops and before I know it my lips are pressed against his. I use my little strength to push his tall and mustily body against the wall, a big bang echoes throughout the hall.

"I didn't get to finish my meal last time" I whisper in a hushed voice against his neck. I pull back to notice Dawson with red cheeks. A large smile forms on my face as my wolf can't stop himself from pushing our lips harder against Dawson's lips. His smell fills my nose as I dig my nose deeper into the crook of his neck. I hear groan deeply causing shivers down my spine.

"Little Angel I recommend you don't" He warns. I look up at him. His eyes flash green to gold. I'm lifted into the air by Dawson. He runs towards our room and throws me on the bed without any grace. I whine slightly from the surprise. Dawson's body hovers above mine as I look up and down his body.

"You're to adorable" Dawson whispers. A moan escapes my mouth. He plants kisses down my collarbone and starts to remove my shirt. His kisses make their way down my stomach. His hand pulls at my waistband as he slowly takes my pants down. My erection flings out of my pants as he looks down at it like it's his meal.

Before I can say anything his tongue flicks over my tip. I nearly scream out in pleasure. His mouth eventually goes over my shaft this time I can't help but let out my scream of pleasure. I feel his finger enter my hole a loud moan echoes in the room. I can hear him groan in pleasure even if I'm not giving him any pleasure. 

After sometime he lets go of my member from his mouth and gives me a rough kiss. He lines up his erection to my hole.

"It's won't fit" I say through moans. I moan out as his member is thrust deep into me. Warmth fills my whole body. 


The light peaking through the curtains wake me up. My hand flings over to the other side of the bed. My hands met with muscles and warmth. I smile in joy. Usually Dawson doesn't stay in bed with me since he's the Alpha of a pack so he has a lot of work.

"You're beautiful" I hear Dawson say. I peel open my eyes to take in his handsome face. Of course this is the first time I've seen him in bed with messy hair and beautiful toned body. I swear I melt into the bed. "Stop eye raping me cause I might just mate with you now" He says. Obviously I have no objection to that. I climb above his body and lay onto his body. His heat transferring onto my body. He touches where he marked me a few weeks ago. 

"You're truly beautiful Angel even without the wings" He says. I smile and I feel a flutter in my heart. Just as I'm about to tell him I love him. His face turns to shocked. 

"Whats' wrong?" I ask. He points to behind me. I turn around to have the colour white fill my eyes. I follow the feathers to see I have large white wings. Why didn't it hurt though. It hurt Hades why not me.

"Now you're a real angel" He says. His face still very shocked. I try to pull them back in however nothing happens. Well Hades also had problems getting his wings in to. 

"How am I gonna walk around when these wings can't go back in?" I ask. He looks at me and shrugs.

"I'll call in Hades maybe he knows" Dawson gets up from the bed and walks over to the phone. He puts in Reece's and Hades room number. His voice fades out as I close my eyes and block out all the noises. 

"Hades is coming now" He says. After about 5 minutes Papa and Dad and Hades walk burst into the room. Hades walks over to me and touches my wings. 

"Their real" He whispers. I nod, his expression looked as if he was trying to solve a really hard puzzle. Suddenly everyone in the room surrounds me. Each one touching my wings. Only Dawson was watching at the sides. He didn't look happy in the slightest. I gave him pleading eyes. I swear he snapped inside cause right before I can say anything I'm scooped up into a warm chest. I hear a growl rip through the air. It wasn't a mean one rather a warning one.

"Don't touch my mate" Dawson glares at everyone around whom all look shocked. I can't help but smile at him. I love him so much.

"It's okay put me down baby." I say. He places me down gently. "Hades, do you know how to get the wings back into my back?" He nods.

"Try to picture them in your back and use some of your back muscles." He informs "Like your shifting" He adds. I nod and close my eyes. I picture my wings in my back and move some of my back muscles. 

Once I open my eyes I see nothing behind me. I sigh in relief. "Thanks, Hades" 

"No prob's brother" He leaves the room with Dad and Papa behind him. I say goodnight to each of them before turning to Dawson.

"Geez, I love you so much" He sighs and smiles. I return the smile and whisper back. 

"I love you too."

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