Chapter 9

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Hades POV

"Angel and Hades you are both brothers and they are your parents" The nurse says to everyone in the room. I can tell Reece, Angel and Dawson are all shocked but for some reason I felt like I knew them. 

"p-p-papa, dad?" Ash(papa) and Taylor(Dad) nod their heads smiling. Angel runs up to them and jumps crashing into their chest crying.

"Hello son I'm glad your back we missed you" papa starts to cry while Dad has his arms wrapped around Angel and Ash. Reece wrapped his arms around my waist placing his head on my shoulder causing me to get a little jump scare. 

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just feeling a little uneasy"

"Hmm" I look back at my parents who are now chatting away about how life has been since Angel and I disappeared. 

"Oh have you found your mates if so can you properly introduce us?" Papa says changing the subject.

"Hades and I both have mates actually and their in this room" Dawson snakes his arm around Angel's hip and kisses his cheek leaving him chuckling. Meanwhile Reece hasn't let go of my waist. Papa and dad look at Dawson and Reece. Reece lets go of my waist and reaches out his hand.

"I'm Reece, Hades mate nice to meet you" Reece shakes papa and dads hand. 

"I'm Ash and this is my mate Taylor nice to meet you too"

"I'm Dawson, I'm little Angel's mate nice to meet you" Dawson introduces himself. 

"Same go with us" Dad says reaching his hand out and shaking it thoroughly. 

"So shall we go have some tea and discuss what we have done while we were apart." Reece offers.

"Thats sounds wonderful" Dad says as we start to head towards the lounge room. I head towards the kitchen and get everyone tea or coffee. I get back and everyone chats about things that happened in the past. The minutes turn into hours. 


Angel sleeps on Dawson's lap and I lay on Reece's lap listening to papa, dads, Reece's and Dawson's conversation. 

"Well Angel and Hades seem to be tired so I'll show you too your rooms" Reece stands up and I stand up beside him. Dawson picks up sleeping Angel before walking out the room saying goodnight. 

"Okay thank you for you kindness"

"No problem" Reece walks out the room and I put away the tea cups. Once I'm done I go back to Reece and my room. I have a shower and change into new clothes before flopping on the bed. 

"Goodnight sweetie" I hear the small whisper but the sleep other comes me. 

Ash's POV

I'm so glad Taylor and I found our kids again. I'm so very happy and they both have wonderful mates. We lost them when we were fighting a rogue attack. We searched and searched even though I thought they would get into a happy family they both ended up in a abusive family. Angel and Hades both seem very happy with their mates so I'm can't wait for grandchildren. 

"What are you smiling about" Taylor lifts the sheets and sneaks in. 

"Nothing just glad to see our babies again" I turn to face his handsome face. 

"Me too" Taylor places a soft kiss on my cheek and since I love him I place on right back at him. "Well lets get into bed I'm tired from the long search and journey and I bet your not any different." I smile at Taylor before switching off the light beside me.


"Goodnight sweet Ash" Taylor snakes his arms around my body while hugging me tight. Soon I drift into a sleep. I can't wait for tomorrow.

(Short chapter again but I had to go to bed my parents were telling me I had to go to bed early)

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