Chapter 11

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Hades POV

(Warning: Smut Scene)

Angel laid against Dawson's rising chest. You could hear their small snores from across the room as they wondered in their dreams. I laid my head against Reece's chest as it rose and fell with an even beat of his heart. I could hear his heart beat against my ear softly. 

"Surprised your still awake" Reece's breathe tickled my neck as he bent down and placed a kiss on my forehead. 

"Yeah I can't seem to close my eyes" I use my hands as a leverage to push myself up. I look straight in Reece's beautiful eyes. "I really love you" I spoke my mind unconsciously. A deep red coated my face the same red placed onto Reece's expression. Soon it slipped away and a smile was soon placed back on.

"I love you more than the world." As I stared into Reece's eyes I leaned closer just as he leaned closer to me. My eyes sliding down to his lips. Reece reaches his hand to my cheek, the tingles spread through my cheek like fireworks. I can't take it anymore. 

I smash my lips onto his mouth my patience running snapping. Our lips battle against each other. His tongue pushing against my lips asking for entrance. I open my mouth allowing his tongue to explore while we place for dominance. After a few seconds his tongue wins and he continues his exploring.

He flips me over so my back is against the couch. "I- ah~ w-what about Dawson ah~ and Angel" I say breathlessly as my eyes fall over to where the two lay sleeping. 

"Just stay silent" His mouth moves down to where my neck meets my shoulder. He tongue lips up to my jaw then begins placing butterfly kissing down to a very sweet spot. I moan a little loud causing Angel to move in his sleep groaning a little. Reece and I freeze on the spot our hearts pounding against our chest. The small snores return after a few seconds of silence.

"Okay well lets go back to my room since I apparently don't want anyone seeing my cute little mate moaning under me while I pound into your tight little ass" My face grows a very dark red as I whisper back "hmm I can't wait"

I'm picked up bridle style squealing a little at the sudden movement. Reece carries me to our room not stopping himself from sucking on the nape of my neck. I moan yet again using my knuckles to muffle my sound I bite lightly into them. I don't want any one in the pack waking up. 

We get to his room in three seconds. He throws me on the bed causing me to groan at the sudden impact. Reece hovers over my body obviously liking what he see's. His right leg is between my legs as he grinds it against my hard member. I moan loudly the pleasure and the tingles adding way more pleasure then needed.  

His hands slide up my shirt then starts abusing my right nipple. I was a complete panting, moaning mess. He plants butterfly kisses down my chest to my stomach. When he gets to a hard bulge against my pants. Reece looks up at me for permission, I nod in return. He continues by unbuckling my pants then putting his hand into my boxers. He grabs my member my moans growing louder. I didn't even know I could make these noises. He pumps me in my pants as his tongue flicks over my nipple. 

He pumps my member slowly, this is torture. "To-ture" I manage to say through breathless pants. He smirks evilly as he continues to pump me faster. He starts to play with my tip precum coming out. As it leaks down my legs down to the blanket sheets. His hands slide down to my hole causing me to twitch and a pleasurable shiver to rack at my spine. 

He looks up again his eyes asking for permission again. "You don't need to ask permission all the time" Without warning he shoves one of his fingers into my hole making me squeak loudly. Soon enough a second finger is pushed in, stretching my entrance. Another finger enters and eventually he hits a spot that just makes me loose it all. A whine of pleasure escapes my lips as I feel drool run down my jaw.

He pulls his fingers out, grabbing lube out of one of the drawers beside the bed. He slips some lube on my entrance then shoves in his fingers again. He continues to stretch me more. 

"I w-want you p-please" I whimper as my hands reach up to his flushed face. My thumb caresses his face gently. 

"Hmm you like that don't you" He teases next my ear lightly biting my earlobe. He unbuckles his belt taking out his might I add very large hard member. 

"No way is that going to fit" I panic looking at the large thing in front of me. 

"Well we're mates the moon goddess made us for each other so obviously it's going to fit" He retorts with a smirk.

"Damn sometimes I think the moon goddess is a little mean and wants to tease us." Reece smirks before pressing his member at my entrance.

"Can I?" 

"Ask for permission again and I will never ever have sex with you for as long as I live" I scold. He didn't like the thought of that so he shoves his member into my hole causing moans to echo throughout the room. Well not echo but they were everywhere.

As he goes deeper he hits my sweet spot again and again. I wrap my arms around his neck the warmth making it unbearably hot. 

"Ah~ I'm about to...." I whisper as I feel a knot form in my stomach.

"Me too" 

He lets out a groan as I let out a loud moan. He releases in my stomach before biting me on the neck where he marks me. I release the same time doing the same action as Reece. I bite him then start licking the bite mark watching as it starts to fade but still see able for the supernatural beings. 

~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~

The sun peaks through the curtains leaving light to fill up the room. I groan awake I try to lift myself up but an arm on my stomach stops me. Also the excruciating pain in my back.  I'm going to kill Reece when he wakes up. I lift Reece's arm up then limp to the bathroom taking a quick shower. I put on new clothes then walk out to find Reece just waking up.

"You asshole you need to pay for what you did to my poor back" He looks at me surprised for calling him asshole regardless of our relationship. I glare at him pissed off. It's weird I don't usually get emotional other the smallest things. 

"I'm sorry but now you know not to say what you said last night" He points out. I did say that I was never gonna have sex with him so I understand why he's pissed but thats no reason to hurt me.

I growl lowly at him. I walk out the room taking long strides to walk faster as I make my way down to the kitchen.

(Sorry yet again it's a short chapter also I hope the smut scene is okay in all honesty I have no idea how I did but I know I ain't that great at writing smut scenes. Anyway I hope ya all enjoyed my chapter and story. If you haven't read my first book it's better to start with that one since it has the story of Ash and Taylor)

(Okay now that I'm older and edited the smut scene I feel so embarrassed. I pictured everything in my head and geez I just felt so embarrassed. I don't whether I'm proud or embarrassed that my younger self was actually able to write something like this.)

Love ya all for reading my story

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