Unexpected (Jon Snow x reader) - Part 1

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Summary: A Jon Snow x reader imagine, where Jon finds himself having unexpected feelings for the reader.

Word count: 1154

Warnings: Quite angsty, mentions of violence and hinting at sexual assault.

Please feel free to leave comments and feedback, it will help me to improve.

After Ygritte, Jon thought he would never, ever feel something for another woman, let alone, love again. How wrong he was. Falling for (YN) was about the easiest thing he had ever done, his mind unable to comprehend it.

Lady (YN) had arrived at Castle Black with his sister Sansa, she came through the gates battered and bruised, looking as though she was ready to fall from her horse, Podrick struggling to keep her upright as he guided the horse along. Overwhelmed at the sight of his sister, Jon embraced her, welcoming the feeling of having family in his arms once more, Sansa was the first to pull away and Jon immediately noticed the urgency in her eyes. Hastily, she introduced both Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne, Jon then gestured towards (YN) and before he had the chance to speak, Sansa said, "This is Lady (YN), she helped me escape from Winterfell, with Theon". Before continuing, Sansa's voice cracked, "She is not well, she has a terrible fever and has been in and out of consciousness for days now". Jon could see the worry in Sansa's eyes, telling him just how fond of her, his sister must be.

Walking over to (YN), Jon turned back to Sansa and said, "Try not to worry, we can help her now", reaching for the horse Jon grabbed hold of her arms and motioned for Podrick to let go, and had Jon not been holding her, she would have slid right off the horse to the ground. Taking her limp body in his arms, he looked upon her face, the sight making him inhale sharply. Even as the snow fell, beads of sweat rolled from her forehead and her closed eyes were encased in dark circles. There were small bruises covering her cheekbones and deep cuts along her hairline, the sight causing a physical pain within his chest. Wasting no time, Jon turned on his heels and began walking inside, unable to take his eyes from her face. Even in her ailing and injured state, she was the most beautiful women he had ever seen. And as Jon made his way inside, a feeling grew within him that he could not explain, he didn't know how or why, but somehow he felt the need to protect and care for this beautiful and fragile stranger, he held in his arms.

As he laid her down on the bed in his chambers, Sansa set to work, taking (YN) out of her damp clothes and as she stripped her down to her undergarments, Jon set to avert his eyes and look away. However, he caught a glimpse of (YN)'s collarbones as Sansa undid her dress and he gave an audible gasp at the sight, unable to look away, Sansa turned her head towards him, clearly understanding his shock. "I know, but that's not the half of it, you should see the rest of her".

Jon stood there silent for a moment, unable to form words, finally he spoke, "W....what happened to her?"

Sansa's answer was simple, but Jon could see her face run cold and anger form in her eyes, "Ramsay Bolton"

Jon could sense she was not ready to speak of the matter yet and offered her to get some rest, while he watched over (YN). Tired and exhausted, Sansa refused. Instead she and Jon sat by (YN)'s side, keeping watch and caring for her, at other times she would lay in the bed beside her and finally catch some rest, while Jon sat quietly and patiently, taking care not to disturb them.

In the early hours of the morning, Sansa had woken, looking somewhat refreshed and Jon was finally able to ask the question he had wanted answered since their arrival. Gesturing towards all of her injuries, he asked, "How did Lady (YN) come to be like this? Why would Ramsey Bolton do this to her?"

Sansa's face became cold and angry again, there was also a hint of guilt, which had him feeling somewhat perplexed as she replied, "Ramsey has never needed a reason, for such cruelty".

Sansa then asked Jon whether he knew who (YN) was, to which he replied, "I only know her by name, I have never met her before, until today".

Sansa nodded her head and continued, "House (YLN) have always been loyal to House Stark and when the Bolton's took over Winterfell, Lord Bolton demanded that they swear allegiance, however, Lord (YLN) refused". Sansa's face became sombre, as she continued, "As punishment, Lord Bolton had them all flayed, her whole family, all except Lady (YN). Ramsey had taken a liking to her, deciding to keep her as his....his play thing". Jon felt numb, but as Sansa spoke on, he could feel an anger rise in the pit of his stomach. "He would beat her all the time, for no reason at all, but rarely would he touch her face, he said he found it far too beautiful, that he needed something good to look at while he......." Sansa couldn't finish the sentence, but Jon didn't need to think hard to know what came next. Over the following hours, his sister told him everything, there were times when (YN) would take Sansa's beatings for her, purposely provoking him when she saw him getting upset with her. And if that wasn't enough, he would lock her in the Kennels for days on end, with barely a scrap to eat or a blanket for warmth. Then came the torture, both mental and physical, he would make Sansa watch, but (YN) would never break, only causing him to become more angry and frustrated, taking it out on her already battered and bruised body.

The more Sansa spoke the more Jon felt his body tense up, his mind consumed with an anger he had never felt before. This monster of a man, who sat at the head of his childhood home, did not deserve to breathe and until now, Jon had never wanted to inflict such pain upon a person. Ramsey Bolton was not long for this world, Jon vowing he would be the one to witness his last breath.

As he gazed upon (YN) lying still in his bed, he realised he had been wrong about her, she was not fragile at all, here was a woman who was strong and beautiful, who refused to be broken, who cared for others at her own expense, never once giving in to the horrors forced upon her.

And when she finally opened her exquisite (EC) eyes, her body still weak and fatigued from fever, he never expected to be met with a warm smile, a smile that took his breath away. Without realising it, Jon had opened his heart to this girl, a heart he thought would be closed forever and as he smiled warmly back at her, he knew that loving her was going to be easy.

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GoT Imagines One-Shots and DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora