Theon Greyjoy encountering you, a mermaid, would include:

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My thanks to the image creator, whoever you may be.

Requested over at my Tumblr blog (Fallatyourfeet)

Anonymous said:

Could you do something with Theon and a mermaid s/o? It seems very fitting and cute 🥺👉👈

A/N: I never would have thought to write this without being asked, so thank you lovely anon. Hope you like it. I got carried away too, it might as well have been a one shot, it's practically a short story in dot form - whoops.

Warnings: Mentions of a naked body (It is about a mermaid after all).

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• At first Theon thought he had drunk too much... that his bleary eyes were playing tricks on him... that it was too dark to know for sure. The splash in the water, right on the starboard couldn't have possibly been what he thought.

• Mermaids were just legend... a mythical creature only ever seen by drunk loveless men, who spent far too many lonely months out at sea.

• When he first saw you, he could only conclude you were some poor woman that had somehow managed to survive a shipwreck... caught in the middle of the ocean all alone.

• But he knew that was ridiculous, no one could survive out in those waters... and then you disappeared under the water before he could properly lay his eyes on you.

• Almost dismissing himself as crazy, he ran to the edge of the ship, catching just a glimpse of the most beautiful turquoise scales. Saw them shimmer and reflect the moonlight for the briefest of moments before disappearing under the water's surface.

• For three whole days and nights, he caught glimpses of you and he thought he was going mad, thought he was lying somewhere in the hull of the ship, sick with fever and caught in a state of delirium.

• But on the fourth night... everything changed.

• The moon was bright and full, and Theon stood at the bow of the ship, his elbows resting against the rail, his thoughts a million miles away as he watched the ship's hull break through the water. He was so lost in thought, that he didn't hear the pad of wet feet walking up behind him.

• Startling him, came the most haunting melodic voice speaking softly against his ear, "You are Ironborn... yet, you are not like the others."

• Spinning around, his eyes met with you... a woman more stunning than any other. You had most beautiful (HC) hair sitting in waves around your bare chest and shoulders, sending drips of saltwater running down your shimmering skin.

• Your hypnotic (EC) eyes, looked at him curiously, sending all coherent thoughts from his head, leaving his mouth in a useless state of silence.

• And you stood before him naked, glorious and unashamed... as if it was nothing out of the ordinary, the only thing adorning your stunning form was a necklace of beautiful iridescent pearls. Noticing with disbelief as small patches of turquoise scales disappeared along the length of your legs before his very eyes.

• When he didn't speak, you took a step closer, your eyes studying him as if he was the mythical creature, "You have salt in your blood, but it's diluted... faded... the Iron Isles have not been your home for a long time."

• Theon staggered back a step, "How... How do you know.. that?

• For a moment you were silent, your fingers and gaze preoccupied with his hair... holding it and studying it between your fingertips. Then moving impossibly close, the tip of your nose brushed along his neck as you inhaled softly, the heat of your breath stirring to life goosebumps across every inch of his skin as you spoke, "I can smell the salt that runs through your veins... but your skin... it smells of wood and dirt and grass."

• The confidence and arrogance Theon normally held, was thrown overboard from the moment he heard your voice, and so it left him standing there like an inexperienced and blushing little fool, incapable of responding.

• But it didn't matter, whether or not you knew it... you had him completely under your control... he would jump into the dark depths of the ocean at that very moment if you asked him.

• He would let himself drown, if the legends were true... he would happily let you take him down to the watery halls of the Drowned God... to live there for eternity with you by his side.

• And when you spoke again, your words had the heavy thumps of his chest ripple to every edge of his body, "I want to kiss you... I have never kissed a land dweller before."

• Pressed up against the rail of the ship, you pushed your naked body against his... and it felt so good he could hardly breath... your lips soft, but eager as they worked against his own.

• With his head lost in the touch of your lips, his instincts took over, his hand tangling among the lengths of your hair as his other reached firmly around your waist, holding you tight.

• Never had any woman, paid whore or otherwise, made him feel what you did with that single kiss. But it ended far too soon, leaving his lips burning for more.

• Taking a step back from him, you smiled softly, the moonlight illuminating your features in the most perfect way... 'Gods, you were breathtaking.'

• And he couldn't help but think of those old legends again... about the Grey King who took a mermaid as a wife... Imagined himself as the King of the Island Isles, with you by his side.

• But with his next breath, he heard the voices of shipmates... their voices growing louder as they reached the surface of the deck... his panic taking hold as he searched for somewhere to hide you.

• Wrapping his hand around the hilt of his sword, he went to pull it from its sheath... but you stopped him with a calm and steady hand.

• Reaching for your necklace, you lifted it over your head, placing it into his palm and kissed him once more... and with a single graceful and skilful leap, you disappeared over the rail.

• Lunging forward, he gripped the rail just in time to see your legs enter the water, barely making a splash. But as your legs disappeared from sight the bright moon cast just enough light to catch the reflection of turquoise scales... Turquoise scales that shimmered under the soft ripples of the water before vanishing into darkness... into nothingness as if you had never been there at all.

• With a deep and shaky breath, he looked down to his hand, gripping the string of pearls tight within his palm, before pressing them against his chest... Hoping that they were a promise of your return... that you would soon come back for them... no... that you would soon come back for him

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