Unexpected (Jon Snow x Reader) - Part 2

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Summary: A sequel to my Jon Snow x reader imagine, where Jon finds himself having unexpected feelings for the reader. This part is from the reader's point of view

Word count: 1145

Warnings: Quite angsty, mentions of violence and anxiety, where the reader feels emotionally broken.

Feedback is always welcomed and encouraged!!

After Ramsey, (YN) thought she would never fully heal, she felt damaged beyond repair....permanently broken. Not that she had ever let Ramsey see that, never did she show him just how much he had ruined her, she wouldn't allow it, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. It was only at night, when she knew she was all alone, when she was sure no one could hear her, that she would finally allow her broken side to simmer up to the surface, leaving her in a debilitating, tearless mess on the cold and dirty floor. Only to pick herself up the next morning, dust off her dirty clothes and hold her head up high, just so she could look Ramsey straight into his cold, dead, eyes again.

When she and Sansa, first escaped Winterfell, never did she think, she would find room in her heart for love. A love for her friends and her departed family, yes, that was easy, but a real love, an intimate and tender love, no, she was far too messed up for that. Well, that's what she had lead herself to believe. And so, waking from her fever in a strange bed, with her eyes falling upon a strange man, should have had her terrified. Instead, she gazed into a pair of unknown, but somehow familiar dark eyes and instantly she felt safe, unable and not willing to stop the warm smile from spreading across her weak and fatigued features. Feeling just a glimmer of hope, flicker to life in her disillusioned heart.

"You know he likes you, don't you?" Sansa said, as she stood brushing Lady (YN)'s (HC) hair, as she sat up in the bed. After being awake for several days now, she was still too weak to be up and about, in fact, she hadn't even been strong enough to leave the room yet. Sansa's words had (YN) biting the inside of her cheek, trying to suppress a smile, Nevertheless, Sansa could see right through her, she had grown up so much since the first time (YN) had met her, way back when Sansa, her father and sister stayed at her family's home, along with the King, as they travelled south to King's Landing. Sansa had been so young and naïve then, but here she was now all grown up and so much wiser, not that she had a say in the matter, the past few years had not been kind to the poor girl, so there was no other choice but for the young girl to grow up.

(YN) didn't reply, though Sansa's comment brought a healthy pink hue to her still pale complexion. It hadn't gone unnoticed by (YN), just how attentive Jon had been since she first woke up and realising this fact, had a warm glow bubbling away in her chest. Whenever he had a spare moment, he would come knocking at her door, well, his door actually, he had so kindly given up his bed to her the moment she arrived and wouldn't hear of her moving to another room, at least until she had fully recovered. (YN) had felt so guilty about this, but he would just give her a small smile and say, 'Really I don't mind, you need it more than I do'. Often he would bring her meals, sitting with her while she ate, (YN) feeling as though he only stayed to ensure she was eating enough food. Each day telling her she was looking a little better and always going out of his way, making sure she had everything she needed or wanted.

Yet, one of the biggest giveaways was the way he looked at her, just the thought of it had another healthy glow spreading across her cheeks. In the evening, both Jon and Sansa would come to sit by her side, keeping her company until it was time for sleep. Sometimes, they would all talk, sometimes it was just her and Sansa, while Jon sat quietly at his desk or by the fire, catching up with his leftover paperwork. (YN) would often catch him sneaking a sideways glance at her, with those deep and broody dark eyes, only to have him look away or his gaze drop to the floor, his beautiful dark curls falling into his face. The sight was adorable and every time it happened, she felt the air catch in her throat.

Above all else though, were the times Jon would burst through the chamber door, in the middle of the night. When her fever had finally broken, the nightmares unfortunately began. Dreams of freezing kennels and vicious barking hounds, of Ramsey standing too close, his vile breath hitting her face as he sweetly whispered unthinkable words into her ear, before sending a blow so heavy to the side of her head, it had her falling limply to the ground. (YN) would never wake up screaming. Instead, Sansa who slept beside her would be woken up by (YN) tossing, turning and thrashing about. Frantically mumbling incoherent words, desperate sounding words, sending unpleasant shivers down Sansa's spine, bringing back her own horrible and violent memories of Ramsey. And it was Sansa's distressed attempts to calm her down, which had Jon waking and scrambling his way into the room, from next door, taking (YN) in his arms rocking her back and forth, assuring her that she was safe and out of Ramsey's reach. Not wanting or willing to let her out of his embrace, until her tearless weeps had faded and she was sleeping soundly once more. Staying with her until the morning, when (YN) would wake to find him sleeping uncomfortably in the chair beside her bed, his hand resting tenderly upon hers.

It was during these harrowing and monopolising moments (YN) blissfully realised, maybe he had more than just simple feelings for her. It was in the way he held her protectively in his arms, in the way he softly held her face between his strong, calloused hands as his beautiful eyes stared deeply into hers, silently calming her troubled soul. And it was there, behind those dark, silent eyes, she saw a burning anger grow from a mere flickering ember. An anger reserved for the monster who created the agonising scene before him. The anger was fierce, it was brutal and relentless and (YN) knew it would never go away, not until he had his moment with that monster, the monster who tried to break the one he held his arms, tried to break, but failed. And it was only then (YN) realised she wasn't broken, she had never been broken, there had always been a glimmer of hope in her heart, it was there all along, she just never knew it. And how happy she was, to realise that glimmer of hope was Jon.  

Please feel free to leave a comment, I would appreciate the feedback :)  

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