Everything (Sandor Clegane x Reader drabble)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Summary: A little drabble about Sandor's feelings for the reader.

Word count: 618

Warnings: None really.

Feedback is always welcomed and encouraged!!

Sandor couldn't believe how much you had changed him. Not that anyone else would have noticed unless of course, you happened to be standing right by his side. In which case, they barely would've recognised the usually gruff and surly man. You definitely brought out his softer side, a softer side which until recently, he didn't know existed. You had come waltzing into his life at a time when he was completely lost, he felt useless and worthless, utterly listless without any desire for any kind of happy life. He felt as if he deserved nothing and so he went about his life seeking nothing. And yet, you found him and gave him everything.

The first time he saw you, you came strolling towards him with a plate of food and a cup of ale in your hands and absolutely no apprehension or fear on your pretty features as your eyes fell upon his face. Placing down the axe beside him, he took the plate from your hands and as he reached for the ale, his fingers brushed against yours, setting alight the barely smouldering embers that remained in his heart, sending his thoughts awry with unfamiliar feelings of both sentiment and desire. Amazed that you didn't cower away at his touch.

You were his complete opposite in every way, you were friendly and chatty, sweet and even-tempered and probably the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes upon.....and you were his. Sandor still found it hard to believe, it seemed impossible to him, that you, as perfect as you are, loved him. The very first time you touched him tenderly, he felt his heart speed up and come to life as if it had never truly had a heartbeat before. And the way you smiled at him, with nothing but love in those stunning (EC) eyes as you placed a gentle hand to his ruined face, never failed to have his breath catching in his throat, barely able to contain the overwhelming need to take you in his arms.

With a little shake of his head, Sandor brought his thoughts back to the present moment, standing in the doorway, watching as you moved about the kitchen cooking his favourite meal, unable to stop the endearing smile of adoration from spreading across his lips. Never in all his life had he felt such warmth and wonder for anybody. You had so many new feelings simmering away inside of him, he didn't know what to do with them, but somehow, for some unknown reason, you were willing to show him.

Finally, you looked up and saw him, bringing the most exquisite smile to your lips and he could barely believe it was just for him. Standing there as he returned your smile, the space between you suddenly grew unbearable and without a thought, his legs closed the gap in long, brisk strides, bringing him to your side. With a gentle hand, he took a lock of your soft (HC) hair between his fingers, placing it behind your ear and connected his lips to your forehead in a sweet and tender kiss. Taking you in his arms, he heard you hum with delight, the sound was complete and utter bliss to his ears, he wanted to hear that sound every day for the rest of his life. Stretching up on your toes, you extended your face towards him, your lips requesting a kiss in the most inviting way. And as he grabbed you firmly around the waist, he lifted you up placing his lips to yours with a tenderness he reserved only for you, realising that with you his life would quite thankfully, never be the same again.

Please feel free to leave a comment, I would appreciate the feedback :)  

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