Distractions (Oberyn Martell x Reader One-Shot)

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Summary: The Reader is not normally flustered by men, but all that changes when she meets Oberyn.

Word count: 1521

Warnings: None

Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!!

Men didn't make her nervous, they never had, she had always been able to twist them around her little finger. Lady (YN) was intelligent, powerful, wealthy and very, very beautiful, known as one of the most desirable women in all of Westeros, if not the most. Men went out of their way to impress her, but rarely would they succeed, usually they ended up fumbling over their words, their faces turning pink, whenever she gave them any sort of attention. So why was Oberyn Martell so different? Why did her heart falter everytime her eyes fell upon his handsome face? And why was he constantly in her thoughts, sending her mad with distractions?

As (YN) sat there, in the Gardens of the Red Keep, she found herself thinking about him yet again, with the tip of her thumb between her teeth, she nibbled away at her nail. Annoyed with herself, she dropped her hand into her lap and began to smooth out the front of her dress for no particular reason. Normally, (YN) was calm and cool-headed and very focused, but since meeting Prince Oberyn, she had found it hard to concentrate on nearly anything and her lack of discipline was driving her crazy. Nevertheless, if she was being completely honest with herself, she had to admit, that as much as it drove her crazy, she found it equally as thrilling.

Hearing footsteps in the distance (YN) looked up from her lap, her gaze falling upon the very man consuming her every thought, he was walking towards her with his usual confident swagger and a ready smile on his face, just for her. Immediately she felt her pulse increase and her heart quicken, the sensation feeling as though she had a million butterflies fluttering in her chest trying to break free. Maybe it was his confidence around her that she found so appealing, he always had a string of charming words for her, that never failed to have her complexion blushing. And the fact that he appeared to take such pleasure in making her blush when no one else could, only had her cheeks blushing darker.

Even with all his confidence and charm, (YN) found Oberyn quite genuine to speak to and be around, not that she had spent a lot of time with him, but the moments she had, were such a refreshing change for King's Landing. For all her calm, ambitious and cool-headed ways she was never without warmth and honesty, a very rare find indeed, in a town full of greed and a relentless thirst for power at any cost. Oberyn appeared to chase after none of that and (YN) found it very appealing. So, as Oberyn picked a perfect rose from the bush beside him and closed the remaining gap between them, she braced herself for the onslaught of charming words, which she knew would spill from those impeccable lips, her face already flushing with a touch of colour.

Oberyn stopped before her, his gaze both warm and intense and even without any physical contact, his smile sent pleasing shivers across her shoulders. Reaching out his hand, he offered her the rose as he spoke, "A beautiful rose for the most beautiful flower in all of Westeros". That voice, that accent, had her shivers spreading from her shoulders across her arms and down her back, unable to contain the shy smile which overtook her features.

Taking a shallow breath, (YN) settled her racing heart a little, gaining just a touch of confidence, "Prince Oberyn, how lovely to see you again", taking her hand she reached for the rose, her hand brushing with his fingers, the feel of his rough and calloused skin, sending her thoughts astray.

Giving her the most inviting smile, she bit the corner of her bottom lip as he stretched out his arm towards her, "Lady (YN), please would you grant me the pleasure of your company and walk with me around these lovely gardens, the day is far too beautiful to waste, as are you?"

(YN) could feel her cheeks burn, dropping her eyes to her lap she swallowed thickly, hoping to gain some sort of control over the rush of blood that was currently spreading over her entire body. Standing up slowly as she composed herself, she nodded her head slowly and unknowingly gave Oberyn a beautiful, thought crushing smile. Extending her arm towards him, she took a deep breath and entwined it around his and as she did so, little did she know the commotion she was causing inside of Oberyn's head.

Taking in her exquisite smile as she willingly reached out her arm for his, had Oberyn breathless, never had he come across such beauty and as she weaved her arm gently around his, she replied, "Thank you, that would be lovely". Feeling his usual composure falter, his words got lost in his throat, only able to react with a nod of his head, as an elated smile spread across his lips. Never had he felt so lost around a beautiful woman, he had always been so full of easy charm and confidence around them, but this one created unfamiliar feelings to bubble up inside of him. Leaving him distracted and feeling somewhat vulnerable around the alluring, charming and fascinating woman before him, however, grateful that he somehow managed to appear his usual charismatic self.

From the time his gaze had first fallen upon her, he was smitten. Walking into the crowded throne room he had noticed her straight away, how could he not have? Standing there so elegantly with her flowing (HC) hair falling perfectly around her stunning face as her expressive (EC) eyes stared at him so intently. And as he found himself staring back at her, he had felt his heart swell and his thoughts go hazy, before she had so shyly turned her gaze from him, leaving him standing there, feeling as though he would burst if she did not look at him again.

And then he met her, the moment creating a whole new world of feelings to flutter to life in his chest. A few simple words from her perfectly formed lips and his thoughts were gone. The sound of her smooth and silky voice provoking images of himself waking up beside her, as she whispered sweet words in hushed tones against his ear, sending glorious goosebumps around his body. It was a strange predicament to find himself in, feeling as though he had little control over his own thoughts and he loved every moment of it.

Oberyn had always known he had a way with women, even a number of men for that matter and so he was quite used to seeing them blush, smile shyly or trip over their words if he paid them any extra attention. So when Lady (YN) reacted this way, why did it warm his heart so much and why did he take so much pleasure from it? To see her bite the corner of her bottom lip as she had done only moments earlier or see her drop her gaze and inhale deeply to calm her nerves, made him want to reach out and take those beautiful blushing cheeks in his hands and press his lips to hers in a long and passionate kiss. Maybe he took so much pleasure from it because he had seen her around other men, powerful, wealthy and handsome men, who were willing to do anything for a little of her attention and yet she was so seemingly unaffected by them. He really didn't know, but the feeling he got inside whenever he caused such a reaction had him feeling emotions he had never felt before.

Without realising, as they walked along in the garden they both began to relax, the simple act of being arm in arm feeling both new and thrilling and yet somehow strangely familiar, as if they had done it a million times before. Taking his free hand, Oberyn reached across and rubbed tenderly along (YN)'s arm, the feel of her soft warm skin under his fingertips bringing more intimate visions of her dancing into his head. Then standing still, (YN) turned to face him and the smile he was greeted with filled his heart with pure bliss. Standing there gazing into her beautiful (EC) eyes he found affection and attraction and a spark of confidence......Just where her courage came from (YN) had no idea, but his touch upon her arm had left her wanting more. Reaching her hand up, she placed it to the side of his face and before she knew it, his hand came to rest over hers as the other tangled loosely in her hair, his lips meeting hers in a kiss. How one kiss could be so many things seemed impossible, but it was, it was sweet and delicate, yet passionate and urgent and most of all it felt right, as if everything in their lives had just fallen into place. And as their lips parted they both smiled, gazing affectionately into each other's eyes knowing that this was the beginning of forever.

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