One Good Reason (Sandor x Reader Drabble/Oneshot)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Words: 600 even, no jokes.

Warnings: Fluff ??? About as fluffy as a drabble about Sandor can be anyway! The lead up to smut, but it's not smut.

Please feel free to let me know what you think via messages or comments, feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

Everyday people asked you why you were with Sandor. And every day your answer was the same, "Mind your own business." It was really quite frustrating. At first, you could understand the intrigue, he was a big, rough and surly man, seemingly a loveless brute, void of any tenderness or warmth. And you... well, you were a beautiful woman from a minor noble house, raised to be a perfect lady, groomed and educated by your parents in the hopes you would marry above your station. Nevertheless, you had been together for long enough now, that all the curiosity and intrigue should have faded away. And yet, as you rolled over in your bed, trying to put as much distance between you and your husband's incessant earth moving snores, you asked yourself the very same question, 'Why?'

After laying there for more than an hour with your eyes open, staring blankly at the fireplace as it's flames gently filtered around the room, you had finally had enough of being patient. There was only so much a woman could take. When a hand full of gentle nudges did little more than shut him up for a moment, you found yourself driving your elbow a little too hard just below his ribs. To your surprise, he didn't even open his eyes, but you were sure that come morning a blackish blue haze would appear across his skin.

Rolling over he draped his strong arm over your waist, pulling your back against his chest, his lips coming to rest at your ear. As he spoke, his rough sleepy voice sent sweet shivers down your neck, spreading across your shoulders before cascading down your spine, "Ya know, you're really gotta stop ticklin' me in the middle of the night, you're gonna give me the wrong idea."

Sandor placed a rough and beaten hand to your hip, giving it a little squeeze, subconsciously, making you nestle yourself further into his chest, craving the contact of his warm skin. "Well, if you don't stop snoring, you're going to give me the wrong idea." With his mouth still against your ear, you tilted your head upwards and he responded by gently kissing just below your earlobe, causing a needy murmur to slip from your lips. With absolutely no conviction, you finished your sentence, "I'm going to start thinking you don't want me in here with you."

Sandor was wide awake now, almost snorting as he flipped you around to face him. The action was so effortless, you couldn't help but get a little flustered. Then he pulled your body flush against his with a firm grip around your waist and you found your breaths growing shallow with expectation. Hungrily, his big hand travelled up along your curves, coming to rest amongst your (HC) hair, his voice low and gravelly, "Well, we can't be lettin' you get that idea." Eagerly he pulled your lips to his. It was urgent and rough but somehow filled with tenderness and affection, sending any thoughts of sleep to some distant and forgotten horizon. Before his lips were done, he flipped you onto your back, his body pressing gently upon yours, his whiskers and warm breath tingling against your sensitive skin as his mouth moved slowly and torturously along your neck. Reluctantly, you felt his lips leave the touch of your skin as he stopped a moment to lift his head, his expression filled with blatant wonder as his eyes watched the firelight dance upon your beautiful features. And just like that, you had at least one reason... one very good enticing reason 'why.'

Please feel free to let me know what you think via messages or comments, feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

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