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It was a peaceful Sunday. I sat on my bed with a face mask on, listening to Lana Del Rey. I was wearing my fuzzy bathrobe.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was Ruby. "Heyy whore. What's it like being grounded?"

"Oh shut the fuck up Ruby. What's it like sucking off all of the football players?"

She snorted. "How did you even know about that?"

I smirked deviously. "I know a lot of things."

"Whatevs. Eric is hanging out at Charlie's with some of his friends and said I should come. I need my wing woman to be there with me."

I looked down at my nails. They were blue now. ""

She groaned. "Please. I can't go by myself."

I lay back on my bed, looking at my white ceiling. "Why is that?" I asked, although I knew the answer.

"I don't want to show up alone as if I don't have any friends! Wesley will be there. Didn't you have a crush on him?"

I felt my skin heat under the cold face mask. "No! I don't have crushes." I calmed down. "Besides, I think I've had enough guys in my life for a while. Tell me a cute girl that's going and I might change my mind." After what happened with Jace, I needed a break from the male population.

That was the best thing about liking both. Besides, I've never actually dated a girl before. Most girls were intimidated by me. Or they thought that I was a bitch. Or both.

"Umm, Valeria will be there."

Valeria... Valeria! She was the head of the student council. She was pretty enough. She was short, which I liked a lot. She had green eyes and caramel skin. She hit all of my checkpoints, except one thing.

"Isn't she a brunette?"

"Nope," Ruby chirped, "she dyed her hair."

I mean, she was still brunette, but I was desperate. "Okay. I'll go."

"Yes!" She shrieked. "Sneak out and I'll pick you up."

I had snuck out before, but I had begun to be more strategic about how it was done. "Okay. Pick me up at that dog park." It was a mile from my house, but I had to be careful not to be seen near here.

"Okay. See you later." I heard the dial sound from hearing her hang up.


Charlie's was the best pizza place in town. It was the unofficial official hangout spot for teens. I never spent much time here, though.

I have been a model since I was sixteen, and models had to keep a pristine image if they wanted to get the best deals possible. All of that "body positivity" bullshit in the modeling world isn't genuine. There's only a handful of plus models that get what hundreds of other models get. I needed to keep my body in the best shape.

Eric and his four friends plus me and Ruby were seated. Ruby was practically under Eric with no shame. To me, he was nothing particularly special. He had dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. His jawline was sculpted, and he had a tan that made him look orange. It was definitely artificial. No one can get a tan like that here in the middle of September.

I sat in the booth between Valeria and Wesley. Wesley's legs were spread apart like most guys. I could feel the heat from his leg on mine. I looked up at his face. He was smiling, showcasing his dimples. His hair was a brown curly masterpiece. He ran a finger through his roots to fluff his hair more.

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