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A few weeks had passed. It was the middle of October, AKA Halloween Month. The temperatures were still dropping and I had gotten into the habit of making homemade hot chocolate every day before school. Family dinners (that my father actually showed up for) were always silent, no one daring to speak. Even Avery could sense the tension. She would talk and make noise until my parents gave her a look that said okay that's enough now. I think even her oblivious self knew not to test them.

As I thought, Mom knew about the peer tutoring. I guess she expected me to be responsible and tell her just how badly I screwed up on my own. Well, I eventually told her. Especially after my father went to her saying I was disrespectful, unruly, and a bunch of other negative adjectives. She was understanding, though. She said she wouldn't tell Father, and that was good enough for me.

I still hadn't talked to Ruby since the incident at Charlie's. I was tired of the silent feud going on between us. I didn't really care about what happened all that much anymore, but I still didn't feel like apologizing. I didn't even pretend to be happy in front of her. I didn't even pay her any attention. And this Friday was no different than the past ones.

It was lunchtime, and I was going to go buy a salad from the local market like I usually do. That was, until an unfamiliar voice called out for me. I turned to see Nathan Tran. Nathan was a popular guy, and he was cute. A kind smile adorned his face constantly. His hair was black and shortly cut. He was the star quarterback of our football team. He was always nice, unless someone pushed his buttons. Basically, he was the golden boy. We didn't know each other too well, just associated through other popular people. He would speak to me out of politeness, but that was about it. Our personalities clashed, though, so it made sense.

I looked at him with a blank face. He wore a white tee under his varsity jacket and light denim jeans. I mentally rolled my eyes. Football players and their stupid varsity jackets. "Hey, Nate. What's up?"

"I'm having a party tonight since we won our homecoming game and I'm inviting the whole school. I thought you'd want to come."

I raised my eyebrow. I don't know why he was even telling me this. He wasn't exactly fond of me. It's not like he'd invite everyone else but me, but he didn't have to personally tell me. The football team was probably making him do it against his will. I didn't feel like questioning it, though. I kept my blank expression. "I'll totally be there. Anything to show support for the Roxfield Bears."

Okay that was a blatant lie. I didn't even care about this stupid team. I was never into sports. My dad would talk to me about stocks and what profit was. Not about the NFL.

It was enough for him though. "Can't wait to see you there." He smiled and I swear I could see his eyes twinkle. Why does it seem like I go to school with all of the charmers? Good thing I'm not so easily swayed. I was serious about not wanting to date anyone. Yes, I had made out with a lot of people and flirted occasionally and "talked" to a few guys, but never dating. And after Jace, I was done with "talking" to people. They always developed feelings for me, and I did not want to deal with that.

I grinned. "Of course! Wouldn't want to miss it."

I turned around to leave when I heard him say, "I heard about how you stood up for that girl at Charlie's."

I turned back around slowly. How did he even know about that? I shrugged with a disinterested look on my face. "I was just thirsty and wanted water."

He wasn't convinced. "Sure you were, tough girl. It's not like it's a bad thing to be nice, but I'll let you keep your," he put up quotes with his fingers, "'mean girl' reputation."

I folded my arms. Mean girl reputation? What was that supposed to mean? "I don't know what you mean by 'mean girl reputation' but like I said, all I wanted was some water."

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