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We had found a table and began our mini tutoring session. I stole a countless amount of glances at her, but I don't think she noticed. I think I was getting used to her image in my head. Seeing her in her typical beanie and large sweater was becoming something that I had grown to admire. It was still a fashion horror story, but I was willing to ignore it.

After a while, I began to get bored. I put my hand on hers to stop her from writing anymore. "Maybe we should take a break."

Her eyes fell to our hands. I could feel her shaking under me. I quickly removed my hand. "Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable."

She met my eyes. They were so soft and kind. Round and a beautiful dark brown. I felt as if I could get lost in them.

Yeah, but now's not the time for that.

My phone then buzzed, helping to knock me out of my daze. I looked down to see what it was. It was a text from Wesley.

Aww. I didn't know you were the type of person that liked library dates! How cute.

I rolled my eyes and looked around to try and spot the dumbass. And there he was, standing near a bookshelf from across the library. When he saw that I noticed him, his eyes grew wide. He quickly grabbed a book and hid his face in it.

"Such an idiot," I muttered.

Noah chuckled and followed my eyes. "Wesley?"

"Otherwise known as the biggest dumbass ever? Yep, that's him."

After he was done pretending to be hidden, he walked over to the table we were at and sat across from us. He was giddy and wearing and cheesy smile. "Can I sit with you guys?"

"You're already sitting down."

He chuckled. "Well, I might as well stay now then." He smiled deeper as if his cuteness was helping him be less annoying.

"Sooo," he cooed, "what are you two up to?"

"I was tutoring Noah before you interrupted." My face gave him the hardest stone glare that I could give, but he just ignored it.

Instead he cupped his face with his hands, which pushed his cheeks up and made him look ten times chubbier. Sometimes I wondered if he was secretly a two year-old.

"Don't mind me then."

"If it isn't the 'mean girl.'" I turned to see Nathan there with a girl by his side. Great. Just my luck. As if it couldn't get worse, the next words that left his mouth were, "Mind if we join you guys?"

Before I could tell him off, Noah smiled and nodded for them to sit.

I sighed but said nothing as the two sat down.

"What are you guys doing here? You all have a free period too?" Nathan asked.

"No shit. It's not like I'd come to the library for fun!" Wesley exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Nathan smiled in confusion. "Why is that a bad thing?"

"Because I'm stuck here with you all." I said in a blunt tone.

"Ouch," Wesley said. "You sure do know how to hurt someone's feelings.

I rolled my eyes but ignored him. I then focused my attention on the girl that was accompanying Nathan. She seemed to be in her own world scrolling through social media. Her dark brown hair with highlights was blocking most of her face, but I could still see her well-done makeup on underneath.

"Who's she?"

"Oh, this is Chelsea." Nathan smiled with big puppy eyes. "She's my girlfriend. We met at my party." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. This seemed to be enough to avert her attention from her phone. She looked up and smile and waved.

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