Chapter 1

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Aelin lay beneath a plum tree bored out of her mind. The idleness of summer clung to her in a humid embrace, lulling her into a relaxed daze. A part of her wanted to lie under the blue Terrasen sky until stars began to wink into existence but the wildfire in her veins urged her to get up and do something. With the summer solstice approaching, her days had quickly blurred into a single lazy haze. Her only real memories of summer thus far were the parties. Night after night, she would gorge herself on her favourite spiced summer squash and liquor laced berries then dance until her feet hurt. Then, when everyone was too lost in euphoria to notice, she'd sneak into the kitchens and claim some of the cakes prepared for next day's luncheon—piping hot from the oven. She would take them up to her room, perch herself on her little balcony and wait for the brisk night air to cool them down. It was in those moments of solitude, as she picked at cakes beneath the watchful gaze of the Staghorns, that she'd feel it most—a call. To what, to where, to whom—she didn't know. But she felt it all the same. Sometimes the air would be still as death, yet as soon as she stepped into the balmy night it would spring to life, the North wind rushing toward her as if it were a summons. It would shock her out of any festive stupor, drowning out the lilting laughter of those who were still making merry below. Even after she had awoken the following afternoon, drained and groggy, the memory of that call would linger on her mind, frustrating her to no end.
So Aelin lay beneath the trees of the royal orchard, trying to figure out what the hell she was going to do about it. It was beginning to wear on her to the point where she summoned her magic and began to hurtle tiny, lethal water droplets at the leaves in the branch overhead, slicing them off one by one. It was raining green leaves by the time her cousin had found her.

"Some of us would like to enjoy stone fruit next summer as well, Aelin," Aedion said to her amusedly.

"Piss off," she shot back.

"Not enough eligible bachelor's at last night's party?"

"None that I haven't toyed with already," she smirked. Aedion's face had gone sour at that. As much as he loved to tease her about anything and everything—especially suitors, now that her eighteenth birthday was quickly approaching—the thought of his baby cousin around anyone who might possibly take advantage of her set his entire being on edge. He couldn't help his territorial instincts though he always tried to not let them get the best of him. After all, a male that Aelin couldn't wrap around her fingers was rare to find. She had long since proved that she was more than capable of handling herself but he still couldn't quite stifle his overprotective urges. Like Aedion, she had inherited those envied Ashryver eyes—bright blue with a ring of gold hugging the iris, just as the sky embraced the sun. Aedion knew from experience that between those eyes and the golden hair that they shared, people often only saw them as trophies to be put on pedestals. He knew how many males and females had looked at him and thought that. He could only guess how many thought the same about Aelin.

"I'm bored as hell," Aelin continued, no doubt sensing his sudden turn in mood, "And you're so easy to mess with."

"Glad I can entertain you," he huffed. She rolled over on her stomach and looked up at him, head propped up on hands. He sat down beside her and raised an eyebrow in silent question. Something was obviously bothering her but he didn't want to push the issue after his "territorial bullshit"—as she like to call it.

"I just feel so..." She paused, hesitating before trying again. "Have you ever felt as if the world was waiting for you to do something? That's how I've been feeling lately but summer's been nothing but parties."

"You love summer though. You look forward to these parties all year."

"I know and I've enjoyed them—I really have—but I still feel as if the world is holding it's breath waiting for me to make a move."

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