Chapter 9

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Though Aelin had loved her little exploration of Rifthold thus far, she hadn't exactly been impressed with the city. It was an endlessly fascinating experience but compared to Orynth... well to be honest, it just did not compare to Orynth. Rifthold was all dirt and industry. There was no lushness to it, no greenery, which wasn't a terrible thing but it wasn't Aelin's preference. As far as she could tell, the one thing it had going for it was Dorian's magnificent home, his glass castle which Aelin and Rowan had a great view of from atop Lumas' Temple. 

"Were you trying to find me from up here?" she asked Rowan. "Stalking is illegal you know."

"It's probably illegal to be up here anyway but I don't see you complaining about that."

Aelin shrugged. "The view's worth a little legal reprimanding. In any case, Dorian would pardon me. We're buds."

"The perks of being a princess."

She nodded, beaming an innocent smile his way. Rowan rolled his eyes. 

"You hungry?" he asked. 

"Positively famished."

"No shit. You eat nothing but sugar. Don't even try to deny it. I've been watching you the whole goddamn journey and you've been secretly shovelling sweets down your throat the entire time. Plus, all you've eaten since you got here was cake. With your newly released magic, you're gonna have to start eating real food otherwise it's gonna burn right through your stomach."

Aelin pursed her lips. "You know, I never pegged you for a mother hen."

Rowan, shaking his head, began to climb down from the roof. Aelin followed after him, secretly thrilled that Rowan had paid her enough attention to discern her eating habits. He led her through some alleyways to a rustic looking bar near the port area. It was one of those basement type speak-easies.

"Is this safe?" she asked.

"Scared, Princess?"

"As if. This seems like the type of establishment that has the tendency to get pretty rowdy though." 

She pointed towards a drunkard who was crawling up the steps towards them. He gave them the finger and spat at their feet. She raised her eyebrows at Rowan. Point proven it seemed. 

"Relax Princess, he just got denied entry."

"How do you know?"

"This is a bar for the socially elite in Rifthold."

"The socially elite are typically the most questionable characters."

"Don't I know it. They wouldn't dare get out of hand in public though."

"Translation: it's safe."

"Bingo," he said, giving her nose a playful flick. He narrowed his eyes at her, scrutinizing her face. She was about to ask him if she had something on her face but the question dissolved on her tongue as he took a step closer to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. "I'll always keep you safe, Aelin," he promised. 

He kept his arm around her as he guided her down the steps to the basement. He rapped on the door with his free hand. A slot in the door slid open to reveal a pair of angry looking eyes. 

"Who pissed you off?" Rowan asked. 

"As if you ever smiling," a crusty voice drawled. 

The slot slammed shut and the door opened to reveal an all red interior. Red light refracted off red crystal chandeliers hanging on the low ceiling. Red, plush, cushioned booths curved elegantly around rich mahogany tables that matched the bar table and stools. She scoped out the wooden surfaces as Rowan guided her to an empty booth to the side. Not a scratch marred them. Everything was pristine, including the people inside. Most of them appeared to be business men and women or people affiliated with royalty, judging from the crests adorning their clothes. It was surprisingly lively despite the uptight looking crowd. Even better, everyone appeared to be minding their business. 

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