Chapter 8

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Rowan just stared and stared at the spot where his mate had last been minutes ago. Only a smattering of ash and blackened earth remained. 

Aedion was furious. The Ashryver Prince was currently on a time out enforced by Lady Lochan who, bless her soul, was trying to calm him down. He had all but tried to pummel Rowan to the ground. Rowan didn't even have the brain power right then to bother arguing back. His mind was solely focused on processing what had just happened. When his magic had been twining with Aelin's for those past few days, he assumed it had meant that they were probably carranam. That bond was rare enough to be a shock. This, however, utterly floored him. 

He had a mate. Aelin was his mate. Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was his mate. 

"What the fuck was that?" Lorcan asked. 

Rowan didn't even know how to respond. Should he tell Lorcan? Should he tell anyone? Should he tell her?

"We'll find her," was all he could think to say, "She has to be with Fenrys."

"And what if she isn't?"

"We'll find her anyway."

As soon as he said it, Rowan knew that there would be no going back on those words. Ever. He would always find her, unless she didn't want to be found. 

It was all so confusing. She was his. Yet, she wasn't. She was her own person and free to choose. So was he, but somehow the universe had decided since its dawn that they were meant for each other. Rowan wasn't really sure what to do with that information. 

"Have you snapped out of your daze, Rowan?" Aedion snapped as he approached him and Lorcan. 

Lady Lochan winced as she trailed behind him. Her face was apologetic enough on Aedion's behalf that Rowan was able to leash his temper. Sure Aelin was Aedion's cousin, but she was his mate. If anyone had a right to be upset that Fenrys had seemingly whisked her away, it was him. 

"What's Fenrys' deal? Did he kidnap her? Wait for the moment when she was weakest and then steal her away?" Aedion argued. 

"Unlikely." It was Lady Lochan who said it. 

Aedion whipped his head towards her in a vicious fury. 

"I would advise against screaming at the Lady, Aedion," said Lorcan, his voice deathly quiet. 

"Calm down, Aedion," she said, "It was obvious that she and Fenrys were colluding."

"Fuck," Aedion spat, "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it." 

"Wait a second," said Lorcan, "You both realized this and thought not to inform me or Rowan?"

Aedion and Elide both shrugged. The former looked way more guilty than the latter. Lorcan, picking up on this, narrowed his eyes at Lady Lochan. 

"You know the details of their little escape plan, don't you?" Lorcan pressed. 

Elide suddenly took up a keen interest in her fingernails. 

"Who knows? I hear there's this particularly entertaining pub down in Rifthold though. I also hear that we may be able to find some familiar faces down there tonight. After said familiar faces take a little tour of the city, that is."

Rowan groaned internally. His mate was a nineteen year old rebellious brat. Gods save him. 

"Elide," Lorcan growled. 

"We better get moving," she said to Lorcan, "We wouldn't want King Galathynius to find out about you letting his heir loose in what's known as the most dangerous city on this continent now would you?"

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