Chapter 3

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**Having re-read the last few chapters I realize that I kind of jumped around with different POVs without specifically pointing them out. I'm going to try and rectify that from here on out.

Thank you for reading and enjoy!**


With every step Aelin took towards the Royal Study, she grew more and more furious. Gods alone knew if either of her parents would actually be there. They were always so gods-damned busy that she had no clue how they managed to orchestrate her life in between running a kingdom. 

She didn't even bother knocking when she got there. She just pushed the doors open and stomped inside, face burning with rage. Who she met inside caught her off-guard. So much so that her anger sputtered for a few heartbeats. The gorgeous Fae female from last night. Aelin racked her brain for a name but was too distracted by the finely embroidered, form-fitting tunic the female wore. 

"Your Highness," the female said rising to bow. She had such a warm face and earnest calm about her that Aelin was embarrassed to have forgotten her name. "You can just call me Essar," she continued. 

"Then call me Aelin. There's no need for formalities." Aelin took a breath to quell her temper. "Have you by chance seen the King or Queen recently?" Aelin asked. 

"Not since last night but we have an appointment in a few minutes if you'd like to wait."

"Yes, I would. Thank you," Aelin replied as she took up a seat opposite Essar. A old tome was opened beside the female's chair. "I hope I didn't interrupt you."

"Oh not at all," Essar said, "I was just having a peruse. Terrasen has quite the collection."

Aelin nodded in agreement. Boy did she know it. Her confinement to Terrasen was bearable solely because of its fabled libraries. 

"I don't mean to pry," Essar said—in a polite way that did not distract from the fact that she did indeed mean to pry—, "but you look pretty upset. Do you not want to come with us to Doranelle? You cousin Aedion is beyond excited." 

"I'm just a little—hesitant is all."

"It must be scary to leave home for the first time."

"Not at all. I'm just curious about the timing is all."

"Ah," was all Essar said. It instantly ticked Aelin off. Despite her overall good opinion of Essar, the female was obviously a nosy busybody.

"No more to add?" she asked Essar boldly, temper flaring up again. 

"Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to... But some unsolicited advice before you bite your parents' heads off. Everything they do is for the safety of you and this kingdom and those two are rarely interchangeable because you, Aelin, are the future of this kingdom. They are doing the best they can."

Her words made Aelin feel like a child. Which she no longer was. She said as much. 

"I understand that my parents have to make hard choices and I have complete respect for the decisions that they make. However, I am not a child and I'm tired of being treated like one. There's obviously more than meets the eye with this whole situation and I don't particularly care to be left in the dark."

Essar studied the young heir for a moment. "Fair enough," she conceded. 

Not a moment later both her parents strode through the doors of the study tailed by the two Fae males from last night, Dark and Broody ™ and Moon Moon, as well as her uncle Gavriel and none other than her cousin Aedion, who was right to look as nervous as he did when he spotted her. 

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