Chapter 14

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Where the hell was Aelin?

Despite the roar of the sea around him, Fenrys was able to hear what had happened in the room. Seconds after Rolfe had cornered Aelin and Lysandra, Evangeline had come plunging out of the window and into the almost frigid water. Fenrys had been able to grab her just as she broke the surface so that the current didn't drag her away. The girl had wrapped her arms around his neck, gasping for breath. All the while, Fenrys had been trying to tread as closely as possible to the side of the ship.

A scuffle had ensued in the room above. Minutes later, Lysandra's listless body had come shooting straight down into the water. She had come up, frantically searching for Evangeline and had let out a sob when she had seen the girl clinging to his neck. She had swum over and gripped the side of the slippery ship as best as she could, fingernails digging into the barnacle-crust. So they remained as pirate after pirate dove after them.

Fenrys could no longer hear Aelin, only a cacophony of Aarghs and swearing. That's when his nose had picked up the smoke. Shit. What if Aelin had lost control of her powers? Keeping her identity secret was still their top priority. No one could see her powers. Though it would take more than two and two to put together, even a rumour about the Heir of Fire on a pirate ship would be bound to raise suspicions. Fenrys needed to go help her out of whatever mess she had landed herself in... Only he couldn't. Fenrys swore as pirates began to splash towards them. He couldn't just go to her and leave Lysandra and Evangeline behind. He had no choice but to do what he was about to do. His actions would prolong the mission but hopefully Aelin wasn't in as deep shit as they three were just then. 

"Hold on to me," he shouted at Lysandra. She immediately obeyed. "Tight and don't let go."

It only took a second for Fenrys to spread his power out between them.

"Hold your breaths."

With that, he plunged them all underwater.

A mere second later, they all dropped onto their own ship, soaking wet and gasping for air.

"W-what? H-how?" he head Evangeline murmur as Lysandra spat water onto a startled Aedion's boots.

"Where's Aelin?!" Aedion demanded.

"Plan got fucked," Fenrys said quickly. Aedion's face went blue. He seemed to be on the verge of exploding when Lorcan cut him off.

"Rowan's already on his way," was all Lorcan said.


Even before Fenrys had come back, Rowan had already been airborne. He was supposed to remain on the ship. He had given Lorcan his word that he would remain on the ship. Fenrys was supposed to port Aelin back, no matter what. There just wasn't any other options that would ensure that Aelin's identity remained secret while rescuing her. No one could see that Fae were involved, let alone high profile Fae like him or Lorcan. Even sending Aedion would have been a risk. Ashryver eyes were recognizable. By herself, Aelin's eyes might go unnoticed, but putting two sets together was asking for trouble.

He had been going to stay on the ship; he had not been going to let the knowledge that she was his mate get in the way. So he told himself... But he couldn't help that the winds sang to him. When he caught the scent of embers and ash on the sea breeze that night, he instantly assumed the worst: that she lost control of the powers.

"Fire," was all Rowan had said to Lorcan before shifting and flying off. Lorcan hadn't bothered to protest; only looked at him with pity, as if he had expected that Rowan would break his word all along.

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