Chapter 6

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**A longer chapter, as requested. Let me know if you all prefer this length!

Thank you all for the continued support!**


Nineteen. That was Rowan's new favourite number. He chanted it to himself over and over as he watched Aelin and Aedion spar. Aelin was only nineteen and he was centuries old. Though that difference was inconsequential to Fae, all reports had indicated that the Princess was very out of touch with that side of her heritage. Not only that but, morals and decency aside, politics had to be considered. He had a duty to his cousin Sellene and his kingdom, Doranelle, while Aelin had one to Terrasen.

Gods above. Here he was talking as if there was something between them. He had only met her for the first time today and they'd had one conversation. When he had found the party earlier that day and landed right in front of her, he had been a little awestruck to say the least. She was beautiful of course but anyone with a single, barely-functioning eyeball could see that. Fenrys had certainly seen it, a fact that grated on his nerves. What had really blown him away hadn't been her looks but rather the way that his magic had immediately responded to hers, despite what little of it she had access to. He had felt his magic come alive and his centuries of training had barely been able to suppress the sudden flaring up of ice and wind in his veins. He had to concentrate the entire day's journey just to keep his magic under control.

Rowan didn't quite allow himself to imagine what that magical reflex might have meant. It had never happened before. Not once in the three centuries he'd lived. He had a single suspicion of what it could mean but that possibility was so rare that he didn't want to give himself false hope. Besides, how could one even confirm a mating bond? For his cousin Enda, it had taken years to realize that his mate was right in front of him. Maybe Aelin just was stupidly pretty and it was messing with his mind. Maybe it was her sass. Females were either scared of him or wanted to own him; they were either incredibly shy or obnoxiously aggressive. The latter in particular generally applied to royals who were well aware of his reputation. Aelin, however, was neither. She pretended to be none other than herself and Rowan couldn't remember the last person he had encountered, male or female, who was boldly and unapologetically who they were. Maybe that was what intrigued him: her heart of fire.

The Prince didn't realize that he had been staring at her the whole time until Fenrys, back still turned towards Rowan, said, "Like what you see?"

"Fuck off."

Fenrys rolled over to face him, a sly grin plastered on his face.

"Ah, there it is. I was wondering where your infamous hostility had gone. By the way, since when do you give two hoots about rank, Prince?"

Rowan didn't know why he thought that ignoring Fenrys would shut him up but, to no one's surprise, it didn't.

"I've never witnessed infatuated Rowan before but, I have to say, he's a vast improvement. Now Lorcan can finally be named the undisputed champion of dark broodiness and you can finally get laid."

"First of all," Rowan said, "I'm not infatuated. You are. And secondly, don't talk about her like that."

"Oh, I'm most definitely infatuated but she doesn't seem nearly as interested in me," Fenrys said all too casually.

Whatever Fenrys was implying, Rowan didn't let it sink in.

"I'm going to check on Lorcan," Rowan said, standing up and heading in the direction his friend was last seen going in.

"Since you're the only one who can probably go toe to toe with him, do us all a favor and kick his ass for Elide will you?"

"No promises."

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