Chapter 2

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"I'm Billie." Her eyes are breathtaking, the vibrant blue even more intense up close like this. It's hard not to get lost in them, but I stay strong and manage not to embarrass myself quite yet.

I give her a friendly smile, "Callie."

"Can I get a hit of that shit, Callie?" she asks and glances down at the joint. I nod and pass it to her then let myself melt more into the back of the couch, turning my head to watch as she brings the joint up to her pretty lips and takes an impressively large hit.

I like the way she says my name.

I need to find out if this girl likes girls because damn, she's cute. Sure, I don't know anything about her and any thoughts are pure lust at this point, but I really like the vibe she gives off too.

"So, how do you know Matt? I haven't seen you at a kickback before." Billie asks me and I snap out of my slight daze.

"I don't. My friend met him today and he invited her. She didn't want to come alone so here I am," I answer with a shrug and she chuckles.

"So you don't know anyone here?" she asks and shifts around in her spot on the couch to face me more.

I look around once, just to confirm that I haven't met anyone else here, then shake my head. "Nope. Does anyone here go to UCLA?" I ask curiously as I look back at her.

She shakes her head. "Nah. You go there?" So, she doesn't go to my school. Why else would she look so familiar? My social life off-campus is quite literally nonexistent.

I nod. "Yeah. If no one here goes there then I definitely wouldn't know them. That's the only way I'd know anyone in this city."

"Not from here?"

"Raised in Oakland," I answer and she nods slightly.

"Cool city. LA is where it's fucking at though."

I laugh and shake my head. "No fucking way. LA is hot and the traffic is awful and the people are fake."

Billie gasps and puts her hand over her heart, as if she's offended. "Nah, dude. You just haven't seen LA the way I've gotten to see it. Your mind will change."

She takes the joint back from Liam when he passes it and she thanks him then takes another hit. My eyes flick down to her lips for a second then I shake my head and focus on her captivating eyes.

"Doubt it, I never really go off campus because I'm so busy," I mumble and groan quietly to myself when I start thinking about all the work I have to do before Monday again.

"What are you studying, anyway?"

"Political Science," I reply and she scrunches her nose in disgust. Cute.

"No offense, but I would go fucking crazy if I had to study politics all day."

I laugh and shrug slightly. "It's more interesting than most people imagine, and I don't only take politics classes. There are hundreds of classes from all different fields for me to choose from."

"Yeah, so why focus on political fucking science?" she asks. I can tell she's only teasing, but I also think she genuinely thinks I'm a little out of my mind for picking that major.

"It's the best pre-law major," I shrug and she groans in disbelief.

"So you want to go to three more years of school after college just to become some uptight suit for the rest of your life? I couldn't live like that, man."

I laugh at how blunt she is, shaking my head. I don't find all of her prying annoying or rude at all, I get that lawyers have a bad rep and studying law must sound mind numbingly boring to a lot of people.

Curious // Billie EilishUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum