Chapter 18

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Callie's POV

It's been nearly a month since that day in the park, and I haven't even come close to telling Billie I'm in love with her, even though I've fallen even deeper every day since.

I'm just scared the feelings aren't mutual and by saying it I'll either make her feel pressured to say it back or she won't be able to say it back at all, which would be awkward as hell.

It okay, though. I know she really likes me, and I don't need her to rush into any deeper feelings right now. After all, I had feelings for her way before she had feelings for me, so the chances of us being on the same wavelength right now are pretty slim.

This past month she told her parents about us, which was a huge step for her.

Well, it wasn't exactly intentional. Maggie walked in on us while we were in the middle of a pretty heated make out session, and we couldn't exactly wiggle out of that one.

I'm glad they know, it took a huge weight off of Billie's shoulders. They were so loving and made sure to let us know that they support both of us unconditionally, both individually and as a couple.

The one downside is that now we aren't allowed to sleep in the same bed anymore, which sucks. I usually sneak over to Billie's room once everyone is asleep, but that means I have to wake myself up early the next morning to get back to the couch bed before Maggie and Patrick wake up.

Which is exactly what I'm going to have to do tomorrow.

It's just past midnight, and I'm almost positive everyone is finally settled in their rooms and at very least about to be asleep.

I listen through my door for a few seconds before opening it quietly and creeping out into the hallway. I shut it behind me then carefully walk to Billie's door, avoiding all the spots on the floor that I've learned creek under my weight.

When I get to her door I open it slowly and poke my head into the red-lit room, seeing a bundle of blankets on the bed, unmoving.

"Still awake, baby?" I whisper and smile when I see her roll over, poking her head up from the blankets to look at me. Sometimes she passes out before I get a chance to sneak out, but usually it's not a problem because she's often wide awake in the middle of the night writing music or playing around on snapchat and instagram.

I walk into her room and shut the door behind me softly before walking over to her bed and climbing in.

"Hey, you," I smile and lean down to kiss her lips sweetly, which she instantly responds to.

I try to pull back after a few seconds but she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer while she deepens the kiss.

I let her set the pace and gasp softly in surprise when she flips us over quickly so she's hovering over me instead, attaching our lips again instantly.

The longer we've been going out, the more confident Billie's been getting when it comes to this kind of thing. I definitely used to be the more dominant one between us when things would get heated. Billie was by no means submissive though, so it's not really surprising that she's started taking control now that she's more comfortable.

We make out for a little while without going too far, just some roaming hands and a few fresh hickeys.

After all, her family is in the house.

"God, I wish I had my own place," Billie mumbles when she pulls back, her eyes full of lust. "The second I can I'm getting an apartment and we're fucking on every surface," she says and I laugh quietly, reaching up to push some hair out of her eyes.

Curious // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now