Chapter 22

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Billie's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to London Heathrow..."

I zone out as the pilot tells us about the local time and weather and what not, too focused on my phone. I stare at it as it searches for service, having just being taken off of airplane mode. I smile when it connects and notifications I got over the last eleven hours start to pour in, but for now I'm only looking for one name. I scroll past the spam of messages from my managers and few friends until I see it

Voicemail (1) from Callie 🤤😍


I put my earbuds into my ears then click on the new voicemail, closing my eyes so I can focus completely on her voice.

"Hey, Bil." She sounds really sleepy, it's adorable. "It's, like, two in the morning right now and I just finished listening to what you gave me twice all the way through."

Does that mean she liked it?

"It's so perfect, baby. Thank you, you're seriously amazing. I don't think it's stupid, I think it's going to help me so much while you're away and it's probably the sweetest thing someone has ever given me. And your voice, oh my God, you seriously never cease to amaze me, beautiful."

I smile at that and feel myself relax. I was nervous to give it to her because I was worried she'd think it was too cheesey or whatever. I felt like a massive sap when I was recording it, and I probably wouldn't have given it to her if Fin hadn't pushed me to.

"Anyway I should really sleep, I have class in the morning. I already miss you so fucking much, and I hope you had a safe flight. Take care of yourself, okay? I love you."

With that, she hangs up, and I feel a single tear slip down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away and open my eyes, finding Fin looking at me, clearly concerned.

"What's wrong?" he asks and I take my earbuds out before putting my phone into my pocket, not in the mood to read whatever my managers sent me.

"Voicemail from Callie," I mumble and he nods in understanding before getting up from his seat to grab his bag when the flight attendants tell us it's okay to stand up now.

He passes me my bag then squeezes my shoulder comfortingly before we walk off the plane with my mom, luckily getting to be some of the first passengers off.

After we get through passport control and customs we head to the baggage claim in the arrivals lobby, where I'm greeted by a fairly large group of fans waiting for me with security guards keeping them in one contained area. It's small enough to handle, but still pretty big. It still blows my mind that this many people in a country I'm not from want to meet me.

I run over to them and they all squeal excitedly.

"Yo! How are you guys?" I ask and hug the first girl that opens her arms for me, squeezing her tightly.

She sniffles and I pull back to look at her, rubbing her arms comfortingly. "Don't cry! I'll cry!"

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous," she mumbles, her cheeks bright red with embarrassment.

"Come here," I coo and hug her again, rubbing her back comfortingly while the other fans gush over how cute it is.

We take a selfie then I move on to another fan who gives me a teddy bear, making me smile. "Thank you, I'll cuddle it tonight," I say and she looks at me nervously.

"I have a q-question," she stutters slightly and I take her hand in mine to calm her down.


Curious // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now