Chapter 30

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"About that..." I trail off and Billie raises an eyebrow expectantly. "First of all let's go outside," I suggest and get up from her lap. "I want some alone time with my girl."

She gets up too and I take her hand, leading her down the steps then out the door and into the hallway. We take a seat on one of the wooden benches and I keep holding her hand while we sit beside each other.

"Well?" she presses.

"Well, uh, we sorta became friends again and then, uh, shesortamovedinwithmeandaudrey," I rush out the last part and Billie gives me a look.

"She what?"

I sigh and look down at my lap. "Don't be mad, but she kinda lives with me and Audrey now."

"She what?" Billie repeats louder and pulls her hand away from mine, making my shoulders slump.

"Look, we had no choice okay? Our roommate had to move back home and we needed someone to help us pay next months rent."

"And you didn't think to tell me? How long has she been living with you?" she asks and I can hear the anger in her voice, mixed with a bit of insecurity that makes my heart clench.

"Just a couple days. I swear I was gonna tell you, I just kept putting it off because I didn't want you to be mad and that was dumb and I'm sorry and please don't hate me," I ramble and look over at her.

"I didn't even know you were talking to her and now you're living with her? Fuck Cal, what else aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing!" I say quickly and reach for her hand again. "Nothing, I swear. It was dumb not to tell you, I know that, I just didn't want to risk making you mad when we were already dealing with distance. But not telling you was worse and I'm an idiot and I'm sorry."

She looks down at my hand skeptically but doesn't pull hers away, which is a relief.

"She's gotta move out, Callie."

"Bil, I can't kick her out, that wouldn't be fair to her. And we need her rent money."

"Fuck, I'll pay the extra rent until you find someone new. I just can't deal with you living with someone you've slept with." I open my mouth to respond but she keeps talking, "When did you guys even become friends again?"

"Like, two months ago or something," I mumble and Billie thinks for a second.

"So when we were broken up? Did you fuck her?" she asks and I shake my head quickly.

"No! Christ, Bil, I wouldn't do that. That whole month all I did was cry and eat ice cream in my bed," I say honestly. The most intimate relationship I had while me and Billie were broken up was with Ben & Jerry's.

"And hang out with your old fuck buddy apparently," she quips and I groan.

"Nothing happened!" I raise my voice slightly in frustration. "Fuck, why do you always get so jealous? It's so fucking annoying!"

She scoffs and crosses her arms, "So now I'm annoying?"

I sigh and look down at my lap, "No, that came out wrong. It is frustrating when you don't trust me though. I've only ever been faithful to you and you still freak out any time someone blinks at me wrong, it's ridiculous."

"I do trust you," she says defensively and I snort in amusement, my eyes rolling slightly.

"Sure, that's why you made me end my friendship with Lauren, right?"

"You guys slept together! Of course I don't want you guys being all fucking friendly and shit."

"So you haven't slept with anyone you still hang out with?" I ask and raise an accusatory eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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