Chapter 26

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Callie's POV

I stand off to the side of the stage with Maggie as Billie does her set, watching her every move in awe.

She's honestly incredible, and the amount of energy and passion she brings onto stage with her is admirable to say the very least. It never ceases to amaze me how talented and dedicated to preforming Billie is, even though sometimes it completely overwhelms her.

I smile as she jumps around the stage, managing to hype up every single person in the large, tightly packed field. She's not even close to being the headliner in terms of placement in the lineup, but she might as well be the main event with how hyped up the crowd is.

I'm proud of her.

After copycat I sense her mood shift slightly, and her body language indicates that she's a little nervous.

She looks over to my side of the stage and our eyes meet for a few seconds before she focuses on the crowd and brings her microphone up again.

Our eyes only met for a few seconds, but somehow it set my whole body on fucking fire. There was something in her eyes that I couldn't totally read because we're too far away, but she seems determined.

"So, uh, I'm gonna slow it down a bit with a new song that hasn't been released anywhere yet," she says and the crowd completely freaks out, which makes me laugh softly.

"This is a song I wrote for someone really special," she says and my heart starts to beat rapidly. "I was too much of a pussy to ever show it to them when I should've, but I think it's time they hear it."

Is it for me? Is this why she wanted me to watch her set so badly?

"I ended up fucking things up with the person I wrote this for, but they should know I still mean every word I wrote."

As soon as she says that I get in my own head, missing whatever else she says to the crowd. It is about me. Billie wrote a song for me and she's about to preform it and I have no idea how to feel.

Do I want to hear this?

Yes, you fucking idiot.

She looks over at me once more, letting our eyes eyes linger on each other's for a few seconds before Fin starts strumming the chords and she looks back at the crowd again.

I watch her breathe in and out steadily once before she starts to sing into the microphone, her voice as angelic as ever.

I pay close attention the lyrics and it's not long before tears spring to my eyes, the words hitting me hard. I've always had insecurities in my relationship with Billie, and I thought maybe I did a good job of hiding them, but clearly she picked up on them.

When she gets to the next part I really lose it, my eyes welling up uncontrollably when I hear everything I ever needed to hear to kick my insecurities to the curb.

You're one of the few things that I'm sure of

That line hits me right in the heart, and I wipe my cheek when I feel a tear slip out. I can hear the emotion she's pouring into every word, and it makes goosebumps rise on my arms.

My eyes never leave her as she sings her heart out, telling me through her lyrics just how much she loves me.

I believe her.

When the song ends I'm frozen for a second, watching as her head hangs and she shakes slightly, obviously crying.

I want to run out there and hug her.

The whole festival erupts and I start clapping and cheering along with them. When Billie finally lifts her head back up she puts on a smile and thanks the crowd.

Curious // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now