Chapter 27.5

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y'all know the drill, pure smut warning!

Callie's POV

"Now strip and get on the bed."

I blush brightly, the pure dominance radiating off of Billie sending a shiver down my spine.

I can tell she's pissed off, which is a little ridiculous because nothing happened, but I'm not going to question her when she's like this.

I quickly start doing as instructed, slipping my wet dress over my head. I let it fall to the floor then reach back to untie my bikini top, letting that fall too.

Before I can take off my bottoms Billie lets out an impatient groan and presses me against the door again, her hands on my hips and her lips moving to my neck.

"You're ridiculously sexy," she mumbles before moving lower and sucking a mark onto my collarbone. "No wonder Hayley was flirting with you."

I roll my eyes slightly. "She wasn't."

"You're blind. Girl wanted you," she insists and I open my mouth respond but my words get stuck in my throat when Billie moves one of her hands between my legs.

Her lips move down to give my breasts attention, and I whimper when she wraps them around my right nipple while her hand rubs over my bikini bottoms.

Her fingers push my bikini to the side and run through my wet folds, making me shiver in excitement.

"Please don't tease," I mumble and gasp again when her teeth lightly graze my nipple.

"But it's so fun," she whispers and trails her lips back up to meet mine, immediately sliding her tongue into my mouth.

Her fingers keep teasing me and I whimper into her mouth, too turned on to give a shit about how desperate I sound.

"Hayley can't make you this wet, can she baby?" she whispers before pushing two fingers into me without warning, making me moan out loudly.

My head falls forward and rests on her shoulder while she starts pumping her fingers in and out of me quickly, her aura radiating possessiveness and a hint of anger.

"I asked you a question," she whispers in my ear before biting my earlobe teasingly. "Who made you this wet?"

She curls her fingers just right and I cry out again, struggling to form actual words. "Y-you did," I manage to stutter out.

"Damn right," she says smugly. "And I barely had to do anything. You're always so needy for me, huh?"

I whimper in response, her tone of voice paired with what she's saying making my head spin.

I love it when she gets like this.

A third finger joins the mix and my eyes screw shut tighter, my now sweaty forehead still resting on her shoulder while her fingers practically pound into me.

My hands slide under her shirt and I hold onto her tightly, my nails digging into her warm skin and scratching along her back as she pleasures me.

"Fuck, Bil," I whimper weakly and she slows down for a second, which makes me want to scream.

"Is this okay?" she asks softly and I nod quickly, which sends her straight back into her dominant mode, her fingers picking up their brutal pace again.

I feel my knees buckle and I cling onto her even tighter, worried I'm going to fall because I'm starting to lose control of my body.

My legs are shaking and I can feel a familiar tight knot forming in my stomach already.

Curious // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now