party with a pony

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Season 1 episode 1 part 2

At the Diaz household

"Alright, comet and ____ feast your eyes on this! Marco's Super Awesome Nachos"
"Ooh! Triangle food."_____ said but before she could eat one they are interrupted by a knock at the door. When Marco answers; no one is around at first, but the sudden appearance of a floating, talking unicorn head startles him."Yo, what up, home fries?" "Oh, my gosh! Flying Prince Pony Head!"comet said recognizes the visitor as his old friend "Oh, hello, C-Fly. Man, we're going out tonight is your sister there?"pony head said "yea I'm right here"I said happy to see our old friend "Are you ready to make some bad choices?"Pony Head said invites comet and ____ out for a night of fun "Let me just wake up Marco."____
Said bringing along Marco"Oh, that is not a dead person?" Pony head said looking at marco "Not dead."marco said still on the floor "Ohh Pony Head, meet my best friend Marco Diaz."____ said helping marco stand up "Your best friend?".

"Huh? Oh no, no, no. On Earth. You're my best friend on Mewni. Marco, this is the Pony we been telling you about."____ said to marco "I hate your face. Plus, you're ugly. Just kidding. That's a joke. Tick-tock boys and girl, let's par-tay."pony head said to them "Yeah, Marco, let's par-tay."comet said to him
"With him? Um, okay, well, I was gonna but I mean I was gonna I uh all right"Marco said unsure about coming along, but ____ and comet convinces him by pouting.

"My two besties are gonna be besties!"____ said excited "Sweet. Let's go."pony head said before getting a "Dimensional scissors! Ah! Jealous."comet and ____ said "Wait, we're going to another dimension"marco said "Come on!"pony head said before ____ and cimet grab marco hand and goes inside the portal before pony head joins comet, ____ and Marco inside, he looks around to make sure no one is following them. As soon as their portal closes, another one opens,and three men in mask appear. One of them finds glitter on the ground, "Glitter. She was here."he said indicating to the other.

"Ahh! Whoo!"

"Ugh. Huh?"

"Where are we?"marco said to the other
"The Bounce Lounge. My favorite place to chill."comet said to him"Just stay away from the edge."____said warmin marco about the edge

"Huh?"Marco said and sees a skeleton impaled by spikes below."Marco, photo booth. Photo booth. Come on!"comet said and drag marco while pony head and ____ follow

"Yeah! Whoo! Now just you two. A souvenir from the night my besties became besties comon sis"comet said before holding his siter hand and leave the photo booth

"Yay. Listen, we are not gonna be besties. We're not even gonna be second-besties. Second-besties? That's not even a thing! Oh, you want to make this a thing? Look here, Earth Turd, this night is really important to me. You mess that up, and you're gonna get the horn. Got it? Also earth turd try to not get all chummy with ____ Good. Real good. Later!"Pony Head said makin it clear that she doesn't like Marco, and threatens to skewer him with his horn if he ruins this night for him.

"Wow-whoo! Look at this!"

"Psst. ____, I need to talk to yooooo ____, Pony Head threatened to Whoa!"Marco said approaching ____on the dance floor and tries to warn her about Pony Head, but Pony Head suddenly shoves him aside and nearly pushes him over the edge of the clouds."Fall, fall, fall, fall" the skeleton impaled by spikes below said "Marco, be careful."comet said saving him from falling "Pony Head just tried to shove me off this cloud!"marco said to him then ____ came to see what are they talking about "Oh, no he just gets a little wild when he dances."comet explains it as simply being Pony Head's wild dancing.

"Well, she also threatened to skewer me in the photo booth!"Marco said telling them about Pony Head's behavior in the photo booth, "Yeah she can be possessive. Pony Head, let's go to the Amethyst Arcade. Marco will have more fun there."____ said admiting that Pony Head can be possessive then she suggests to Pony Head that they go to the amethyst Arcade "No way, girl. I'm getting my dance on." He said then he gasp when he sees the three masked men from before appear "Yes, you are right, Star. He will like the arcade better. Let's go!" He said quickly opens a portal to the arcade.

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