Red Belt

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The scene opens with Marco climbing out of a small crater in an unknown, dimly lit area. _______ growls while gnawing on a ribbon. When she sees Marco, she shrieks and runs away."_______? Huh?"Marco notices his locker" I don't know my combination!"The lock rattles to the point of breaking, and the locker opens to reveal another version of Marco inside he gasp " I'm... I'm... I'm wearing a suit!" Out of sight, the alternate version of Marco turns into Mr. Candle."What are your plans for the future, Mr. Diaz?"Mr.Candle said "Mr. Candle?" Marco asks confuse as Various students from Echo Creek Academy appear on balloons which float up to the moon."We're moving on with our lives." Jackie said "But I haven't made up my balloon yet." Marco said as he holds a ballon A red belt appears suspended in the sky above Marco "My red belt. I've been looking all over for you. " the belt flies away "Wait! Come back."Marco said trying to reach for the red belt.




Marco awakes from his dream Comet and _____ are in his room, leaning out of a dimensional scissors portal."Marco, Marco, Marco."Comet said as Marco screams "Comet?_____?" Marco ask "You okay? Sounded like you were having one of those "stuck in life" dreams again."______ said worry with her dimensional scissor on her hand "Yeah. Wait. What are you two doing in here?" Marco said holding the sheet "We hanging our first "Love Sentence" poster. You can be my prisoner of love, Justin Towers." _______ said while reaching a poster while comet grab the dimensional scissor that ______ drop"Uh... that's not what I meant. I was sleeping."Marco looks at _____ unsure "don't worry about ______ she kind of hit her head on a tree and a poster fly and land on her face......Oh! Right. You have a hammer?" Comet said "I'm putting this bad boy up Earth girl style. No majack!"______ said as her eyes turn red like ruby and the white part of the eyes turn black "ehmm.......Yeah, all I'm saying is, you could've tried knocking on my door, Earth girl style."Marco said as _____ look at him confused "Why would I do that when I have dimensional... oh! How can I be so "duh"? Nothing's easy on Earth!"______ laughs almost demoniclly " We're gonna find a hammer the hard way. Scavenger hunt!"Comet said and grab _____ hand and the portal close "Do we even have a hammer?" Marco said to himself and stares at his karate gi.

Scene changes to the Echo Creek Dojo "Sensei, I need to talk to you about graduating to a red..."

"Silence! I'm about to achieve oneness with the universe." Sensei inhales loudly, unintelligible muttering and grunting "Now, bow to your sensei" Sensei order and Marco bows " Master, I've been a green belt for five years. It's time for me to level up." Marco said and Sensei laughs "Five years, and you think you're ready? Go get an ice cream cone or something and quit wasting my Saturday."Sensei said turning around and walks away "Sensei, I'm serious."Marco said seriously "Are you sure? The training you desire has broken many a student." Sensei stops on his track " I'm ready to do whatever it takes."

"Fine. We start...

now!" Sensei screams and kicks up his foot "Clip the toenail" Sensei said "Seriously?" "Clip the toenail!" Marco starts clipping, nail hits his eye "Ow!"Scene changes to the bathroom "Plunge the toilet." "Ugh." The scene changes back to the dojo floor "Take the deduction." Marco winces as fly lands on his eye "Is your moment of failure at hand, Mr. Diaz? " " No sensei. Bleh." Marco said painfully Scene changes to the Diaz's home "Hey guys! Just ignore me and _______"Comet shout "Why exactly are we ignoring you and _______?" Angie asks "We scavenging the house for a hammer. Just pretend I'm not here." Comet responds as ______ run around behind him laughing maniacally " Okie-dokie."Rafael said "Do we even have a hammer?" Angie asks Rafael "No." Rafael answer ______ stop running and look at them as her tail move violently they look scared " If was a hammer... I'd be up there! " Comet groans and climbs the chimney _______ look at them before walking upstairs " We have to do something," Angie said to Rafael Scene jumps back to Marco. "That's right, Mr. Diaz. Feel the squeegee deep in your soul. Preparation is key; you never know when trouble will arrive" Suddenly Sensei Mom honks horn and steps out of car " Hello dear," She said .

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