Diaz Family Vacation

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Season 1 episode 5 part 1

In the Diaz household

Comet and _____ are . In comet's and _____ bedroom, king and Queen butterfly talk to Star through her interdimensional mirror  "Of course, very few are aware of the serious matter, so I'll be traveling afar to give an all-day lecture explaining the proper throne posture. Slouched shoulders are an epidemic among nobility these days.  Blah-blah-blah, posture. Blah-blah-blah, back problems. Blah, blah, blah..."comet said fading oit at the end "The pink hearts on comet's and ___cheeks turn into hourglasses.(sorry if you don't like pink)"So this is what it's like to be bored to death."_____ said to comet "comet and ____! Are those dimnesional scissors?"there mom said "Uh...  N-No, no, of course not! Just normal Earth scissors. See?"comet said while picking the scissor and a piece of paper the as comet cuts the papers into a unicorn cutout and accidentally opens a small dimensional portal behind him. A monster's hand reaches through the portal and paws at _____ and comet.

"Good. Because you two are not to leave Earth."queen moon said to both of them
" we would never think of it!"_____ said nerviosly and kicks the monster's arm "Glad to hear it. I'm sorry. Your mother and I must cut you short. I have lecture things to do."king river said watching the watch beep and walk away "Oh, him and his lectures. "queen momsaid before walking away too "Okay, bye!"comet said to there parents and ____ shoves the monster's arm back through the portal, and the portal closes. "Comet ,_____, we're about to celebrate my parents' anniversary. Come on."marco said entering there room "Oh, no! We didn't get them anything!"_____ said feeling bad because they didn't get them anything "Don't worry about it. My gift can be from the tree of us."marco said "But we wanna give them something just from me, 'cause your parents are actually cool."comet said much to Marco's disturbance.

At living room. Mr. and Mrs. Diaz are sittin on the couch as Mrs. Diaz strokes Mr. Diaz's chest hair. Marco and comet,_____ stare at them."Ahem!"marco said interupting his parent what they were doing "Oh, hello, kids!"mr. Diaz said greating them "Happy anniversary, you guys!"marco said holding a small gift box to them "ohh!" Both of them exclaim then Mr. Diaz opens the box, and Mrs. Diaz takes out two red and light-green fanny packs."Wow, Marco! More... fanny packs!"mr. Diaz said to his son "Okay, I know you guys are non-believers..."marco said then lifts up his hoodie to reveal a blue fanny pack."But these are way cooler than last year's. They have everything you need, like a dilemma whistle, non-drowsy antihistamine, and a space blanket made for two!"marco said unzips fanny pack then unfolds the space blanket. It depicts an astronaut bear in space. "Oh, yes, you know how much we love to travel and see the sights."Mr. Diaz said
"Oh, Marco, you put so much thought into this. Gifts are such a great way to show how much you really care about someone. I didn't think it was possible to love you more than I do right now."Mrs. Diaz said with comet and ____ they look extest ____ have and idea and tell comet about it comet noob aprove about his sister idea and blurts out there present for mr.and mrs. Diaz "And we are giving you a trip to Mewni !" "We're going to Mewni!"Mr. Mrs. Daiz said together "Uh, we can use our new fanny packs!"marco said to them.Mr. Diaz hugs comet,____ and Mrs. Diaz and jumps up and down. He said he wanted to go right now so _____
Cut a poryl to Mewni. Comet,_____ and the Diazes stand next to an open dimensional portal."Welcome to Mewni!"both comet and _____ said as Mr. and Mrs. Diaz take photographs. "Is this where you two grew up?"Mrs. Diaz ask both twins "No-ho-ho. We live there."comet said then points up. Seeing a large castle."Ooh!"Mr. and Mrs. Diaz said "Oh. Higher."_____ said seeing further to a bigger castle in the clouds. "Ooooh!!"Mr. and Mrs. Diaz said again "Higher!"comet and _____ said in a sing song voice while  putting there hand put in the sky up even further to Butterfly Castle."Let's go there."Mrs. Diaz exclain wanting to go to the butterfly castle "Aw, you don't wanna see that lame, cheesy, touristy stuff. What you want is the real Mewni experience."comet said as they go from left to right they see A woman is seen caring for 14 children. There's a herd of 12 goat-pig hybrids. A man with a long nose stirs a pot of stew. A boy reaches for the stew, and the man grabs the boy and drops him in the stew. The boy giggles.

Comet and _____takes everyone to Mewni and shows them the small villages as Mr. and Mrs. Diaz take photos of the merchant. Cut to the merchant's front; he sells various wares including sundials, wind chimes, jewelry, and chicken.
As  Comet and ____ guide them staying away from there castle so no one recognizes them. However, comet sees her father, and telll ____ that he saw there father so she drags the Diazes into the Forest of Certain Death. Mr. and Mrs. Diaz narrowly miss many dangers, including carnivorous plants and monsters.

A centipede-like monster quickly slithers past Marco.A swarm of baboon-faced bees fly over Marco, and he ducks to the ground.A giant's foot stomps past behind comet,_____ and the Diazes."Best anniversary ever, best anniversary ever! Best anniversary ever, best anniversary ever!"Mr. and Mrs. Diaz said chanting as they are fading out comet,____ and the Diazes step over something in the ground with teeth."Wait! Come back!"_____ said to marco parents "Oh, yeah. Nice try, "path"."marco said before he throws a few sticks of gum onto the "path", and the mouth snaps closed to chew on the gum. "Hey, guys, did you see what I just did with that bubble gum?"marco said but no one listend to him as comet and ____ and the Diazes are seen running toward the far end of the road.as mr. and mrs. Diaz are taking photo of some beautifull flower  Marco passes by the roses, flower monster  burst out of the ground.marco blows dilemma whistle making The flower monsters sink back into the ground.The Diazes run along some thick tree branches."Come on, my dear. Let me capture your beauty-ness on this magnificent adventure."mr. Diaz said to his wife as in respond she giggles "Wait! Come back!"____ said before she trip "Okay! You can stop being so cool now!"comet said before helping _____ to get up The Diazes slowly approach a small porcupine-like creature.The Diazes take photos of the animals from up close.

Comet spots there father tracking something then tell ____ about it they both hide behind a log and pulls Marco into hiding. nervously telling Marco that they will take them home, but as soon as they turns back, Marco's parents are gone.Mr. and Mrs. Diaz's footprints lead toward a skull-shaped cave. Scary musical sting. Bats flutter on-screen as Marco,comet and ____ sneak into the cave then they find Mr. and Mrs. Diaz's clothes and belongings. Marco picks up his mother's wind chimes.
"But where are they?"marco ask
They saw movement in the hydra's stomach, coming to the conclusion that it ate Marco's parents. Comet ,_____ and Marco fight it off and defeat it by tangling its heads in knots. Just then, comet's and _____ father jumps in

King Butterfly appears on a cliff holding a spear and wearing nothing but a loincloth. A bone sticks out of his beard. He jumps from the cliff ready to challenge the hydra, and he stops when he notices comet and _____."comet and ____?!"there dad said "My parents are still inside that thing!"marco said worry abou his parent inside of the hydre king butterfly  slices the hydra's stomach open; the villagers recently devoured by the hydra are freed, but the Diazes are nowhere to be found. Comet,_____, Marco, and King Butterfly soon discover the Diazes enjoying a hot spring.

Mr. and Mrs. Diaz are seen enjoying a hot spring."There's nothing like a steamy bath after a long day of exploration."exclaim Mr. Diaz marco shout his dad and comet and _____ yell at them that they are alive "Aaaand you're only wearing the fanny packs."marco said to his parent "Ah, King Butterfly! Care for a dip?"Mr. Diaz said king butterfly clear his throth and said:
"As inviting as that sounds, I need a minute with my daughter and son"before
draging comet and ____ by her arm.

"Comet and ____, you know you two not to leave Earth! What are you two doing here?"said there dad angry "Okay, okay! Uh, but the thing is, it's not exactly our fault! There—it was an anniversary! It all started with the fanny packs... Hey! Aren't you supposed to be giving some "boring lecture"?"comet said but then relise that there father should be doing some lectures "Uh, yes! W-We got a little lost. The directions were, uh...  It all started with fanny packs...  There is no lecture. Being king is exhausting. Every once in a while, I need to sneak away and fight monsters. It keeps me sane. And it's good for my throne posture."he said jumping on a rock "So we get our monster fighting from you. Cool. ...Cool!"_____ said "I suppose so."there dad said then the three of them laught "Are you gonna tell Mom you saw us?"comet said to there dad "I didn't see you two and you  two didn't see me. But just this once."dad said to the both of them They agree not to mention any of this to comet's and ____mother and reconcile with a hug.

King Butterfly leaves, followed by his manservants."It's cool that you guys bonded and you got to see that side of your dad."marco said to comet and _____ then Mr. Diaz whistles as he crosses  naked. Marco and comet covers _____'s eyes with there hand "I wish I hadn't seen that side of my dad."marco said and chuck.

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