Fortune Cookies

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Season 1 episode 8 part 2

the Diaz Household. comet and _____ throws a punch at Three-eyed Potato Baby, Buff Frog, and Beard Deer falling over. Back to comet,____ and Marco side by side by side, dodging attacks and blasting spells. Ludo watches the battle from atop a nearby rock."How are you losing?! You guys have, like, 200 pounds on her!"ludo yell from the rock back to comet , ______ and Marco, blasting Beard Deer in his pants as he cries."At least hit them with a rock or something!"ludo yell to Bearicorn as he roars and throws a pebble at _____'s head. She doesn't budge ludo frustrated groan "Woo-hoo!"both comet and ____ said After bouncing off a two-headed monster, bith of them jumps onto a cactus."Off the cactus, over the tree! Nothin' but net!"_____ said as she fires a Dagger Crystal Heart Attack. It ricochets off a cactus and into the back of the giraffe monster's neck.

"Told you we could do it."comet said to marco.Marco smiles and almost gives comet a dollar bill. He turns around to see several monsters approaching in a line."Double or nothing! One kick, seven monsters!"marco said both twin only smiles and bows."Hiii-yah!"Marco kicks Buff Frog in the chin, knocking him backwards into the other monsters, and they fall like dominoes. At the back of the line, Three-eyed Potato Baby falls over onto Ludo as he screams.

After beating Ludo's monsters ,
Marco,comet and _____ decide to treat themselves to Chinese food. Ludo returns to his castle and vents his frustrations on his monsters, calling them useless. He decides to hire someone to whip them into shape.Ludo's frustrated cries carry over into the next scene at his castle.

-the castle break room-

Ludo and Bearicorn stand next to a vending machine while Ludo hollers in complete anger."You guys are USELESS!!!!"ludo said screaming at all of them will looking at Three-eyed Potato Baby hovers over the water cooler, with the Boo Fly stuck inside. The two-headed monster's right head has forks in his eyes. The giraffe monster plays a guitar. The warthog monster has a baguette in his nose. Big Chicken accidentally knocks over the coffeemaker. An orange lizard monster sits on top of the refrigerator. Cut back to Ludo and Bearicorn. Bearicorn tries inserting a dollar into the vending machine, but it keeps rejecting the dollar."You're always screwing up my brilliant plans! I need someone who can wrangle you imbeciles. Oh, go get change!"ludo said and slaps Bearicorn's hand at the end Three-eyed Potato Baby gets water from the water cooler as the Boo Fly floats inside.

At the Chinese restaurant, comet,____ and Marco share a meal "Delicious! And it's so fun eating with these tiny wands!"comet said while he's holding chopsticks and simitates laser and ____olso is holding chopsticks but she din't say anything then a waitress serves them a plate of fortune cookies."Oh, and there's cookies too!"comet said before quickly eats a cookie and spits out the paper."Bleh. I don't like the filling."comet said with his tonge stiking out _____ grab a napking and grab the paper on comet tonge as comet give a silint thank you to _____ "These are fortune cookies. They can magically predict the future."marco explain

His first fortune reads, "A friend will greet you with a smile." ____ smiles at the sentiment and said "Aww, how sweet. " Marco says his fortune came true.____ opena cookie no one notice inside said "something or someone in the future there is a brite light and a beggining for you"she didn't knew what it mean but she save it in her star shape purse next Comet opens another cookie and gets a fortune that reads, "Think positive and good luck will come your way." One of the restaurant employees is about to throw out some stale cookies, but when she sees how excited comet gets over them, she gives the cookies to him. Marco says comet's fortune came true, and comet is completely enthralled by the cookies' "magic" same with ____ but she is not like comet

Back at his castle, Ludo interviews a multitude of monsters for his new job opening, but is disappointed by every job applicant. At waiting room at Ludo's Castle. Job applicants waiting to be interviewed include a short monster with a lot of eyes, a horned bird, a cute pudgy jackalope, a snake in a bowtie, a large muscular monster, and a female cyclops applying lipstick. In an office, Ludo interviews a six-eyed, four-armed monster in a greasy shirt. His eye twitches. On his desk are a comet dragonfly-shaped pencil holder (making it look like comet is impaled with two pencils) and a Newton's cradle with skulls.disappointed by every job aplicant
he gets a headache, a blue lizard-like creature in a business suit suddenly appears and gives him a glass of West Mewnian swamp water."West Mewnian swamp water. Or do you drink from the bottle?""On days like this..."ludo said "Tell me about it.""Oh, I'll tell you... I've been trying to steal a wand and someone from two teenagers that. It's harder than it ought to be. Wait a second!"Ludo pulls on a lever next to him, raising the height of his seat.

comet and (Y/N) vs the forces of evil (discontinued)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum