fetch part 2

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. Hello, everyone I know I haven't been updating for a while so let me update you on what have been happening lately while in school, news about coronavirus were spread like wildfire in my country making every school shut down till April and my mom been the over-protective one (it not like I hate or something) told me to no go out since my house is a 2-floor house (I don't know if in other countries they say it differently) I can't go down and since I like on a market I can't go looking for something to eat plus the kitchen is down near the market so I'm like trap on the 2-floor with my brothers but mom always bring us a bag with something to eat so I guest it alright.

the downside is that I'm bored with nothing to do so I finally decided to update, also if your country having some trouble and is with coronavirus please be safe and take care of yourself.



"But I have... so much love to give," Lydia said Scene jumps to Marco at his home. He is talking to one of the laser puppies, with his juice box in hand and makes them do tricks while ______the new parrot "what should I call you" ________ said while looking at the bird looking closely it wasn't a normal bird it have (1F/c) (first-favorite color) feather that goes to (2-F/C) (second-favorite color), the left eye is black like a void except it have a white dot on it and the right eye was your eye color "you...don't look normal at all" _______ said before petting the bird "but...I still find you cute"______ said as she giggles as the bird rub it feathery cheek on her cheeks.

but then Marco shrieks, his eye starts emitting red light "Okay, everything is half red." just then Comet walks in with the dog on hand "Comet, where have you been?" _____ said noticing that Comet walks past her "I don't wanna talk about it." Comet said "Okay." _____ said "Today was the worst day ever (N/n) (nickname). I got sent home from school, I couldn't make any money so I had to put everything on Marco tab and I forgot your drink." Comet said 


"I was harassed by a weird lady, and worst of all, Willoughby still won't give me back my wand"Comet groans "His name's Willoughby?" Marco asks walking to Comet who is on the sofa pulling his hair with ____ by his side and he still have red-eye from the laser puppy" That's what the weird lady called him. I thought I found his owner, but she was just a fake."Comet said still pulling his hair and give Comet the flyer "Yeah, this flyer's fake, but let's go back to the dog park and see if his real owner put up a flyer." Marco said walking away as Comet falls out the sofa, and sigh "Okay. You know your eye is glowing, right?"Comet said grabbing Willoughby and walk with Marco " I know." Marco said while walking "Hey, pretty birdie what do you want to do while there out hm?" _____ said and look at the bird's eyes as more as she looks at the bird the sleepy she got that is till she falls asleep on the sofa while the bird is awake looking around its surrounding.

-With Marco and Comet-

Comet and Marco were at the park "Hmm, nope." Marco said as they look through a bord fill with flyers of missing dogs "Beep, beep, beep. Where's your owner?" Comet holding Willoughby said like a metal detector "My problem is, I'm stuck in a doubt loop." A lady said "You so are." another lady said but then Comet jumps on the ladies' table, holds Willoughby to the second's face, and beeps rapidly. he holds it over the first's and buzzes. "Mm-mm " Comet walks back to Marco as the ladies from before looking at him weirdly "Come on, Willoughby," Comet said and start to shake them "Why is this so hard?" Marco said trying to open the juice box "I know, right?" Comet said as he turns to look at Marco but saw that it was about a juice box "Oh, right. Your thing is hard too." Marco said as Comet looks at him with an emotionless face. Comet frowns and groans but just than Willoughby Ears rustle rapidly catching Comet attention "Willoughby senses something." Comet gasps as a man approach " Marco, look. Beautiful businessman. Go, Willoughby. Go to your businessman." Comet said and lay down Willoughby as they run toward the businessman and Comet gasp thinking that he finally found its owner but at the last second Willoughby stops and runs towards the outhouse while the businessman was just going to tie his shoes.

"that's it! What the..." Comet said when bursting into the outhouse and saw Willoughby looking in the mirror, waving the wand with his hand. "Sorry." Willoughby said giving Comet back his wand and leave the outhouse "What just happened?" Comet said walking behind him "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Why did you take my wand?"

"Because in my dimension, dogs are the ones with all the problems. There's no escape. "grabs Marco's juice box" Only sadness. "pokes the straw in" It's easier if you poke it from the bottom."Willoughby said and walks away "You did it." Marco said and sip "White grape." 

"All I want is to be... like them "gestures at the laser puppies". I thought if I zapped myself with your wand, I could quiet my troubled mind."Marco still sips "But you can't just run away from all you're problems."Comet said sitting down beside him "You run away from your problems all the time." Marco said as he always chokes "No, I just take breaks." Comet defends himself "That's what I want. I want a break." Willoughby said "You don't need magic for that. You need a chew toy " Comet creates a bone-shaped toy." And you need to play fetch "lifts up his wand. "No, Comet! No fetch." Marco said running and stop Comet "He. Oh yeah. And you need Marco too. " Comet calls Lydia with mirror "Hey Lydia, I found your dog. Again" Comet said and Lydia who was hiding on a bush jumps out " I've been here all along. Come here, my sweet little boy."

"Actually, he's a girl."

"It doesn't matter. My little cake pop. It's time to come home."

"Go on."

"I guess it couldn't hurt.

"Wait. There's one more thing " Comet gives his necklace to Willoughby."Your necklace? I couldn't." Willoughby said as he looks at it then look at Comet "Eh, it's a win-win. This way, I don't have to send my Aunt Felicity a thank you card. " Comet then baby talk," Now go get your Lydia." 

"Uh, why are you talking to me like that?"

"'Cause that's how we talk to wittle doggies, " Comet said still baby talking to him and push Willoughby to Lydia "This is what happiness feels like," Lydia said when she picks Willoughby up, Willoughby pants as Lydia pet him and his tail wag with happiness "Thank you for finding my dog. Bye," Lydia runs off "See, Marco? I do face my problems " Comet said but then a phone buzz "Is that your mom calling again?" 

"Break!" Comet said shoving Marco.

-With moon-

_____ haven't picked up why isn't she's picking up guest I'll call Comet.


Everythings is dark ______ look around but only saw darkness "_______" ______ heard a voice calling then chanting of my name, _____ try to talk but only bubbles came "______ your the future of mewni" ____ turn to where the voice came "They need you"  "mewni is on danger" "magic is not the answer" _____ turn and turn to see where all the voice coming from and finally it was the bird but this time it looks like a phoenix bigger and brighter but then a wave of black came to _____ and she heard what she think is the voice of the phoenix.

"Your real parents are alive, save them from the danger that is coming, save them, your the future of mewni and the future of magic"


Excuse me from not updating for a while if you're disappointed with me I understand.

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