Chapter Eleven

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"Okay, on three I'm going to flip it over and we can check."

"Okay," Ginny breathed, wiping her sweaty palms on her sweatpants.

"One... two... three..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"One... two... three..."

Harry flipped it over, and the words stared back at them.

"Not pregnant," Ginny breathed. Harry frowned.

"Do you think it could be false?" He asked.

"I don't know," Ginny responded, frowning herself. She hadn't realized that Harry had wanted more kids, and she hadn't realized how excited she had gotten about the idea until those words just glared back at her.

"I'm going to take another one," Ginny stood up.

"Okay," Harry agreed, grabbing Ginny's hand.

A few minutes later Ginny returned with another test in hand, and sat down next to Harry.

"It's negative," Ginny said, not even waiting for Harry to count before she flipped it over.

"Well, that's okay," Harry soothed, and Ginny began to cry. Harry inched closer and rubbed her arms in a comforting embrace.

"Oh Gin, you're burning up," he said, placing a hand on her cheek and then feeling the back of her neck. "Let's get you in bed. Turns out it really is just a nasty bug."

"Can you ring my mum?" Ginny asked as Harry pulled back the covers to the bed and gently helped her slip under them.

"Of course," Harry kissed her head and stood up. "I'll be right back."

He grabbed the pregnancy tests from the bed and quietly left the room. Ginny rolled over and closed her eyes, feeling as if she had been hit by a truck- both physically and emotionally.

"Ginny?" There was a knock at the door.

"Come in mum," Ginny grumbled, keeping her eyes shut. The door opened and then someone was sitting at the foot of the bed.

"It's not your mum," Hermione said gently, placing a hand on Ginny's calf. "Harry told me what happened."

"I told him to ring my mum," Ginny sighed, placing a hand over her face.

"He did. I was just at your mum's house with Ron and she told me to answer the phone because she was preoccupied at the moment-"

"Most likely with my kids," Ginny mumbled through her hands, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"He just kind of blurted out that you weren't pregnant, and that it was just an nasty bout of illness. He rambled for quite a bit before I was able to get a word in and explain that I wasn't Molly," she chuckled sadly. "Are you okay?"

"I feel like I've been hit with a ton of bricks," she grumbled. Hermione nodded understandingly.

"I had actually been making some soup for supper, so I brought you some. It's simmering in a pot on your stove when you're up to it."

Ginny smiled appreciatively.

"Thank you 'Mione," she gave a weak smile. "It's weird. It's like I didn't feel sick as soon as I thought I might be pregnant, and now I'm back to feeling like bloody shit."

Hermione laughed. "I totally understand that. I felt awful both days I found out I was pregnant, and then as soon as that test turned positive, I felt better instantly."

She gave a sad smile at the memory. Ginny grabbed Hermione's hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"It's almost like its justified," Ginny said after a moment of silence. "Like, 'oh I'm pregnant. I guess this disgusting feeling I have is just the reward of creating another human being.'"

Hermione laughed.

"I'm going to go grab you a bowl of soup and make you a hot drink," Hermione said, standing up.

"Actually, would you mind if I just took a nap right now?" Ginny asked wearily, rubbing her eyes. "Hopefully I'll feel better when I wake up."

"Okay, I'm going to go home and wash my hands like crazy now so I don't get Rosie sick," Hermione teased.

"Thanks Hermione," Ginny smiled. Hermione walked out of the room and she rolled over and shut her eyes.

She awoke to Harry stroking her head lightly. Groggily, she opened her eyes and rolled over to look up at Harry.

"Good evening sleepy head," he smiled, continuing to gently stroke her head. "You should probably eat something- then you can go back to bed."

­­ Ginny glanced at the digital alarm clock on the bedside chest. It read 19:43. She had been asleep for almost seven hours.

"I can't believe you didn't wake me up any sooner," she grumbled sleepily with a smile, stretching out her achy body.

"I wanted to make sure you got to feeling better as quickly as possible," he responded. "I even cleaned for you."

"I should get sick more often," she laughed weakly. Harry chuckled, and then paused.

"What?" Ginny asked, smile dropping.

"It's nothing-" Harry began.

"Tell me," she insisted, propping herself up a bit more.

"I just don't understand why, if you're not pregnant, is your monthly late? Is there something wrong we should be worried about?" He asked.

"It could be late for a number of reasons, Harry," Ginny comforted, grabbing his hand. "I am fine."

"I just want to make sure something isn't wrong with you," he replied warily.

"It could be that I'm just so stressed. You know I've got that deadline for the paper coming up, plus the boys and your surprise work mission last weekend. Or, it could be because I'm sick right now, or even because I'm just a few days late. Sometimes it is a bit irregular. Don't worry about it," she gave him a reassuring smile.

"Okay, as long as you're sure you're okay," he smiled. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I am, thank you," she grinned. "Although, I believe I was promised some soup?"

"Indeed you were, and it was promised to be given to you in bed, wasn't it?"

"Indeed it was," she laughed.

"Alright then, m'lady, I'll be right back with your soup," Harry stood up and did a poor curtsy.

"You're such a bloody idiot," she threw a pillow at him, giggling.

"I love you too!" He called as he dodged the pillow and exited the bedroom.

Ginny smiled to herself- while the day had a rocky start, she had never felt better while being sick.

(A/N: Sorry for this crappy filler chapter! I promise the story will begin to pick up within the next few chapters! I've just written myself into a corner and I'm frantically trying to get out. So, for now, enjoy these very irregular updates and thanks for reading! Hope you're liking it!)

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